Hello, and welcome to the astrology fun page! 🤩✨

You’ll find intensive learning resources as well as a list of my go-to must-haves for up-leveling your astrological self-mastery… 🧐

…or, basically—this page has everything you need for researching charts, writing ‘scopes, or just walking around town talkin’ ‘bout astrology…! 🤪

TEACH YOURSELF Astrology… 👁🌟



Astrology 📝🌟

Where to Get A Copy of Your Birth Chart (My Top 3 Favorite Free Chart Generators! 🤩)How to Read a Birth ChartHow to Start Tracking Your Transits + Why You Must (Hint: Idea Fairies 🧚🏻)How to Read a Synastry Chart (a.k.a. A Relationship Chart Overlaying You + Your Crush's Birth Charts 💞)A User's Guide to EclipsesHow to Build a Planner-Based Astrological Grimoire (The Official Guide for Type-A Mystical Witches)Are You a Star Witch?All Hail the Cosmic Queen: A List of My Favorite Online Astrologers + Astrology Newsletters!

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astrology tools… 🛠🌟

Don’t see an astrology tool you love…? Email me!

Use This Cool Widget

to calculate

a Totally Free Copy Of

Your Birth Chart

Plug your birth info into the widget, enter an email address, and Astro-Charts will email a totally free copy of your birth chart to you directly!

Explore your free birth chart with the birth chart calculator .

“Okay, but what do I do with my chart after I get it…?”


…then apply that learnin’ to the birth charts of everyone else you know. 😊

This email class wants to help you do it… 👇🏻


Learn Astrology

Learn Astrology ✯

A birth chart is like a dossier of your secret self…

…containing the cheat codes for your psyche….

…camouflaged in a 2D geometric riddle.

This email series wants to help you crack that riddle. 🔎💪🏻

And all you need to start...

…you've already downloaded!

In this 8-day

(totally Free)

email series,

You will learn…

  • 1. THE PLANETS 🪐

    Each planet (10 in total) has an intrinsic energy, and represents a drive, instinct, or “sub persona” (a.k.a. one of our hidden selves). Our birth chart shows which zodiac sign our planets express their energy in, and the fields of experience where we use + encounter our planet energies.

  • 2. THE ZODIAC ♈️♉️♊️…

    The zodiac signs represent constellations. Each sign represent an element and modality, or how that element expresses itself. Each sign contains a story about the strength and duration of the elements. Signs that are emphasized in our chart (by the planets occupying them on our chart) are vignettes of our mythic journey.

  • 3. THE HOUSES 🧭

    Houses reveal “where” (or what contexts) the planets impact your life. Houses reveal our roles and experiences. These are the 12 sections of the chart divided by the lines.

  • Birth chart via astro-charts.com highlighting aspects

    4. ASPECTS ✸

    Aspects are the lines crisscrossing the center of the chart. Aspects describe the relationships between planets, whether harmonious or challenging. You’ll learn about “orbs” (the span of degrees, or distance, between planets), and how to determine which planet aspects describe the strongest dynamics in your chart.


in about a week,

you’ll have all the tools and concepts for

parsing your stars,

and mapping your


mythic journey!

Learn Astrology

Learn Astrology ✯

Drop your info here, and immediately after confirming your email address, you’ll receive the first email of the series.

After that, you’ll receive one email a day, for eight days. 

Thereafter, you’ll stop receiving email lessons, but stay subscribed to my newsletter! 😁



    💠 What is a Birth Chart?

    TECHNICALLY (🧐), your birth chart is an image of the planets’ positions in the sky at the time, date, and location of your birth.

    A chart is generated by an astronomical calculator (such as the one you can get above 👆🏻). The chart itself is just a circle wrapped by the zodiac (a.k.a. the belt of constellations over the Tropic of Cancer).

    BASICALLY—this image represents the condition of the Solar System relative to Earth at a specific date, time, and location…

    …and in a super-woo sense, that same image represents you. ✨

    As the planets continue along their orbital paths—weaving and braiding between-amongst each other—they “interact” and activate the planets within your own chart…

    …the werk of being your own astrologer (🌟) is learning to understand and be super-aware of your own chart (👁), so that you are more present, mo’ zen, current your rocky-rough transit moments.

    💠 Why Should I Learn to Read My Birth Chart? 

    FOR ME... learning to read my birth chart (an astrology chart based on the date, time, + location you were born) was like an super secret (🤫), super adorbs’ personal research project…

    …one where I wouldn’t be graded on anything (👍🏻), and based on learning to understand the the “metaphysics” of the symbols and methods used for interpreting the chart…

    I learned not just how to “read” the an astrology chart, but also, how to decrypt my personal omens, and track the time-development of my hero's journey. 🌀✨

    I learned to appreciate the sometimes paranoia-inducing accuracy of the secret language I was learning to read… and also, how to intuit the meanings, even when there wasn’t an actual astrology chart involved. 😳🤔

    As in… becoming symbolically sensitive, or literate of the super-woo synchronicities happening for me. Learning these symbols inherent in my chart helped me recognize when and how my present experiences tie back into the themes, motifs, and progressive-developmental arc indicated by my personal chart. 🥰

    Learning to read astrology also helped with something else… empathy. 💕

    Like—finally appreciating the depth ‘n complexity of my own chart (and how the constantly-orbiting planets toggle its energies / my personal biography to-and-fro 🥵)…

    …I also learned to recognize the purpose and potential in others (even the ones I don’t like 😜), and appreciate the private in-volution occurring inside their own psychic nebulae…. 🪐💫✨

    …which went a long way in helping me recognize (as well as better guard the boundaries between) mine and others’ journey.

    💠 How Should I Learn my Birth Chart?


    …a super low-key tutorial broken down into morsel-sized step-by-steps to guide you through the key terms and methods used in basic chart interpretation! 🤩

    The whole thing happens in your inbox—no big commitment, and you can keep all the lessons to review again ‘n again, until you’re ready to move on…

    (…and don’t worry, I’ll also provide those follow-up lessons! …I’m gonna make you wonderful… with astrology! 🦋💫✨)

    You can enroll right here on this page, and receive the first lesson by tomorrow… ✨

    …and 8 days from now, you’ll be on your way to tracking current planetary transits to your chart, if not dippin’ a toe into relationship astrology! 💃🏻🌟✨

    Other Q’s…

    • Well, Steven Forrest famously quoted another astrologer, who once said… 

      “Astrology is the poetry of astronomy.”

      Astrology can be infotainment, food for thought, a hit of inspo. 

      And astrology can also be studied, learned, in order to re-evaluate the meaning you’ve attributed to your own narrative, or to re-investigate the significance you’ve projected onto certain events or relationships.

      In any case, studying astrology can produce spine-tingly discovery moments, revealing the topography of your life path, like a secret decoder ring of your own weird soul as it evolves through time and space, and a uncanny tool for tracking synchronicity. 

      At a minimum, astrology is a form of infotainment, that enhances personal reflection, meaning making, and rhythm-keeping.

    • A birth chart (a.k.a. a natal chart) is a picture of the sky on the day you were born, based on time and location. The actual chart is a circle (360° total), divided into 12 sections. 

      This chart reveals which constellation (or zodiac sign) a planet was in. Planets represent different energies, drives, and influences (see next question), and the sign they’re in represents the qualities, themes, and motifs that the planets will express themselves. Which signs the planets show up in are determined by cycles: seasonal cycles, annual cycles, and even cycles based on decades, or thousands of years!

      Each planet in your chart unfolds according to a cycle.

      A birth chart also reveals how much space has been allotted to all 12 life categories represented by the 12 divided sections. The four angles of the birth chart (the Ascendant, Nadir, Descendent, and Midheaven) are specifically determined by your birth location and birth time. The angles represent the direction you’re facing (Ascendant) and the zenith you’re capable of rising to (Midheaven). 

      Symbolically, a birth chart is like a topographical map. That’s a map that uses color and shading to show the terrain of the mapped area. Many astrologers and schools of astrology have different ways of describing a birth chart, but in the way I use it, I’m looking for insight into the terrain, as well as the directionality. To move in that direction, the chart holder will have to move through those kinds of conditions.

      ALL OF THIS… visually, and aesthetically, represents a template for your psyche, and its unfolding, as you move through space and time.

    • In your chart, each planet represents a different drive or energy: 

      (☉) Sun: core self, vitality, and life role
      (☽) Moon: mood, soma, temperament
      (☿) Mercury: perception, communication
      (♀) Venus: preferences, values, how and what you self-indulge
      (♂) Mars: libido, the take-down urge
      (♃ ) Jupiter: growth, expansion, progress, and philosophy
      (♄) Saturn: responsibility, restrictions, limits, boundaries, fears, and self-discipline
      (♅) Uranus: innovation, progression, rebellion, and change
      (♆) Neptune: dreams, imagination, and the unconscious
      (♇) Pluto: power, intensity, obsession, control, and transformation

      Basically, every planet in your chart represents a different type of influencer in your morphic field and psyche. 🌐👁

      All the planets are performing a specific function in. your chart, according to its sign and house placement, and the aspects formed to other planets (see aspects below).

      BEAR IN MIND… horoscopes are mostly written for your Sun sign…

      …or basically, one  planet out of the whole chart.

    • TYPICALLY, when studying your horoscope, you want to read for both your Sun AND your Rising Sign. 

      Your Sun sign is determined by the time of year you were born, while the Rising Sign is determined by the sign of your First House (on your birth chart).

      Which zodiac sign happens to align with your First House is determined by where the first angle of your chart, the Ascendant, lands on your chart…

      …and where the Ascendant lands is 100% determined by birth time. 

      Like—the degree° of the sign that your Ascendant lands changes every 4 minutes. 

      So, if your birth time is inaccurate by about 2 hours, it would place your Ascendant in the sign before or after (or in the opposite sign, if you don’t know whether your birth time is AM or PM).

      Typically, astrologers select 12PM / Noon, if accurate birth time is unknown.

      And some astrologers offer reification services, where they “reverse-engineer” or figure out your birth time by interviewing you about certain life events, where they originated, and where they left an impact.

    • “Signs” refer to constellations. These constellations represent the zodiac belt. 

      Your Sun, Moon, and Rising signs are determined by the zodiac sign where your Sun, Moon, and Ascendant (the first angle of your chart) land in.

      Each sign represents one of the four elements (🔥💧🌿🪶), and one of three qualities that element might express itself (cardinal, fixed, or mutable). Cardinal is the most assertive quality of that element, Fixed is the most stable, and Mutable is the most changeable.

      Or basically, your “personality” depends on which sign your planets land in, and the quality of your life’s direction, depends on the signs that your chart angles land in. 

      There are 12 zodiac signs, each ruled by 1-2 planets, each one signifiying a season or phase of time on earth….

      ♈️ Aries – Mars (♂)
      ♉️ Taurus – Venus (♀)
      ♊️ Gemini – Mercury II (☿)
      ♋️ Cancer – the Moon (☽)
      ♌️ Leo – the Sun (☉)
      ♍️ Virgo — Mercury II (☿)
      ♎️ Libra — Venus II (♀)
      ♏️ Scorpio – Mars II and Pluto (modern) (♇)
      ♐️ Sagittarius – Jupiter (♃ )
      ♑️ Capricorn – Saturn (♄)
      ♒️ Aquarius – Saturn II and Uranus (modern) (♅)
      ♓️ Pisces – Jupiter II and Neptune (modern) (♆)

      Every planet, angle, or point is expressed according to the zodiac sign it lands in, and that expression concentrates in the field of experience described by the house placement. 

      Where it tends to get more complicated is interpreting the qualities and experiences of the planets in the signs, the mitigating influence of aspects formed from other planets in the chart, and also, depending on where the planetary rulers of the signs are placed on the chart.

    • Your chart is divided into 12 sections, representing different areas of your life. These houses also line up with the zodiac belt (give or take a few degrees, depending on the house system you use).

      1st House: Identity, Persona, Appearance, how we attract experiences and relationships.

      2nd house: Skills, Values, Personal Resource, or how we cultivate or tend to the soil.

      3rd house: Connection, Primacy, Kindreds, or how we process information.

      4th house: Belonging Space, or where we feel safest.

      5th house: Play, Creativity, Passion, where we connect (or reconnect) with our inner child.

      6th house: Ritual, Personal Rhythm, Flow, the “green room” or prep space for the rest of our chart.

      7th house: Social Policies, Role Playing, Interrelationship, how we bridge the space between self and other (represents our shadow).

      8th house: Investment Potential, Dividends, Joint Resource.

      9th house: Goals, Targeting Principles, Long Journeys, how we get where we’re going.

      10th house: Public Persona, Highest Potential, what we aspire towards.

      11th house: Fellowship, Visioneering, where we ultimately land.

      12th house: Supra-Subconscious Mind, Past Life Karma, Beginnings / Endings.

    • Aspects describe the relationships between planets. Aspects are determined by the angles formed between-amongst all the planets in your chart. Some aspects are softer, more harmonious, whereas others create more friction or challenge. 

      Astrologers use notation, or the symbols below, in order to describe aspects….

      Major Aspects (most common):

      • ☌  Conjunction (0°): Combinatorial. Blends or vies for expression.
      ☍  Opposition (180°): Challenging. Oppositional, antithetical.
      • 🔲 Square (90°): Friction. Contests for expression.
      △  Trine (120°): Cooperation. Help mates.
      • ✳Sextile (60°): Beneficial mutuality. Opportunism.

      Minor Aspects (not used as often):

      • Semi-Square (45°): irritation and obstacles.
      • Sesqui-Quadrate (135°): frustrations and delays.
      • Semi-Sextile (30°): luck, opportunity, a special opening.
      • Quincunx (a.k.a. inconjunct) (150°): change, confusion, and separation—promotes or leads to change.

      In a chart, aspects are usually illustrated by the colored lines at the center, but most chart calculators also offer aspect grids, which visually parse out all your planets and their aspects (all you need to know is what the aspect symbol means).

    • The planets, signs, and houses of your chart answer questions about who, what, where, and how.

      A pretty common metaphor for learning your birth chart is to imagine the chart itself as a stage, and each planet as a character. Start with the basic function or energy of the planet, then filter it through the qualities and attributes of its zodiac sign… that creates the character.

      Now, imagine its house placement as the scene or staging. Based on the sign, house, and aspects, what kind of energy does this planet bring to this space? Are there other characters (planets) in this room? 

      Basically, if you want insight into how you personally use a type of planet energy, study the planet’s sign and house placements, along with its relationships to other planets…

      …and if you’re curious about what you bring to a specific category of your life, examine the sign on the house representing that category, any planets hanging out there, as well as aspects formed to other planets in different houses.

    Learn Astrology

    Learn Astrology ✯