What to Do if You Get Hit By an Eclipse! 😱💫💥
What is the astrology of eclipses? Like—what do they mean, what can they do? This post shows you where + how to find info about your personal Eclipse Cycles, plus includes a ton of astro-inspired speculation about what happened when the Gemini Solar Eclipse in June 2021 tripped my Vertex-Chiron in my 8th House (bc no one had educated me about eclipses, damn it). 🙈
What is the astrology of eclipses? Like—what do they mean, what can they do? This post shows you where + how to find info about your personal Eclipse Cycles, plus includes a ton of astro-inspired speculation about what happened when the Gemini Solar Eclipse in June 2021 tripped my Vertex-Chiron in my 8th House (bc no one had educated me about eclipses, damn it). 🙈
If you “felt” something totally woo in May-June 2021, you might’ve been hit by the Eclipses. 🤩💫
For me, pour moi > the June 2021 Eclipse grazed my Chiron-Vertex in Gemini ♊️, simultaneous to Chiron transiting over my North Node in Aries ♈️, possibly at the exact moment I was looking into and saw a blue light flash in a barista’s eyes. 😳🙈
Like—literally the worst barista.
Not in terms of quality or standards.
But. Like. Attitude.
The cascade of spooky-cute synchronicities has set fire to my own bad-intimacy issues, which I didn’t really know about, wouldn’t have been able to even conceive of, until researching the area of my chart activated by the Eclipse, so I’m learning extra about my own human condition, yay astrology. 💫
Are you also having an Eclipse moment? > You might be, if your Nodes land in Gemini-Sagittarius. ♊️♐️, or if the Node of Fate drifted upon any object in your chart, not necessarily your own Fate marker. The Nodes interact with the very matrix of circumstances, so usually, whatever planet, point, or angle they touch will become super-activated in your consciousness.
Enter > synchronicity. 🧁✨
With the Eclipse involved, the transit will help crystallize brand-new awareness, catalyze soul-level intentions, and realign us with our ultimate project.
What I myself have learned > you can basically use Eclipse astrology to explore any troubling ennui or feelings of aimlessness in your goals and dreams, while also probing your darkest personal pain as it commingles with your ultimate destiny and fruition. 💁🏻♀️
And also use it to autopsy your failed marriage, initiated during the last Eclipse set in 2011. 😅
SO, LET’S EXPLORE ECLIPSE CYCLES! > This exercise might be for JV baby-astrologers who are already familiar with their natal chart, and know where to go to get more info (Internet witches, etc.).
Don’t worry—I’ll link you everywhere you need to go to get charts and intel, all you need is a grasp of the lingo and familiarity with charts in themselves…
Without at least that much, the woo level here is equivalent to me asking you to maintain eye contact with me as we walk off a ledge into floating space. 😳
This is a very Looney Tunes approach to astrology, btw. 💁🏻♀️
OKAY, I’m about to supply hella research clues to guide your Eclipse interpretation, and hopefully re-inspire your true destiny. 🙌🏻
And perhaps in a few weeks, we’ll find out I was able to use this astro-awareness to prevent myself from making really embarrassing public mistakes and maybe jumpstart a repressed healing crisis, idk, let’s see how it goes! 💫
An eclipse happens when a new or full moon comes within 20 degrees of either the transiting North or South Node. These aren’t planets, but where the Sun and Moon intersect along their orbits.
Thus, when it grazes the ecliptic, the new or full moon activates its own pathway. The ecliptic becomes illuminated by the condition of the moon, as well as by the melange of the other transiting planets’ energies.
Your own planets, angles, or points will also become illuminated (or, more accurately, thrown into hyper-karmic flux😵💫 ), if any happen to be in the line of fire.
FYI: The North and South Nodes on your chart represent where eclipses were sparking during your birth year. Astrologers use the Nodes to describe your “karmic path”: the South Node representing past conditions you’re moving away from, and the North Node representing the conditions aligned with your ultimate purpose. (Read more about the Nodes here. 🐉)
Your North and South Nodes always carry a bit of karma-drama, and if you have any near-by planets.
So, when an eclipse comes upon any marker in your chart, it’s like astrology-fairies tearing down the curtains. 🧚🏻♀️
You suddenly “remember” the original project, or become lucid of a deeper intrinsic motivation you’ve always carried with you, like soul-tension that occasionally creeps into ordinary awareness.
Through snap-crackle-pop synchronistic circumstances, you become well-notified about hidden possibilities, often coinciding with the appearance of fateful relationships, strange guides, and hella magnanimous omens.
Eclipses bring about karmic plot twists, and point to tension between our karmic project, and the circumstances, situations, and relationships we’ve engineered for ourselves.
There are two types of eclipses…
🌟 Solar Eclipses happen during the new moon, when the Sun and Moon are exact, in the same degree in the same zodiac sign. You might feel off-kilter for about 3-5 days before or after the eclipse, as though you’re walking at a tilted angle (but also thinking crystal clear 👌🏻). Solar Eclipses also tend to herald bright, shiny, new beginnings, and sometimes coincide with mega-new realizations or unexpected good news.
🌟 Lunar Eclipses happen with the full moon, and the Moon glows a tan-red hue, known as the Earth’s shadow, or umbra. This is also known as the “Blood Moon,” and, fine okay, the color does resemble a used maxi-pad, but that’s life, weirdo. Lunar Eclipses tend to be accompanied by more sentimental-nostalgic feelings, and their circumstances have more of an emotional finality or rounding-off. Buried memories or dreams also begin to surface around the time of a Lunar Eclipse, particularly in the 3-5 days before + after eclipse day.
What exactly do eclipses trigger…?
Epiphanies. Catharsis. Changes of heart. Dates with destiny. Pennies from heaven. Walk ins. Last glances. Final follow-ups. New faces, new vistas. Situations, even long withstanding ones, will either coalesce or fall like like water.
The somatic depth and clarity we experience when struck by an eclipse is powerful enough to demand a response. An eclipse sparkles and glows in our soma (which is tied to the Moon), more intensely and specifically according to the point in our chart being activated.
And everyone is experiencing the eclipse, even if not everyone is having a specific point triggered… (maybe this is what co-creates the percolating effect that seems to happen on the periphery during the eclipse portal… 🧐).
And all we can we can do is notice the signs, and allow the circumstances that unfold to inspire our next steps.
Not everyone experiences an intense effect from an eclipse. Only in the years and seasons where there’s an eclipse that strikes close-by (within 0-5°) a planet, angle, or point in your chart.
So, you might not have had a recent Eclipse Moment, but perhaps you’ve had one in the past, or will have one in the future.
Finding out if you’re having an Eclipse Moment depends on…
Knowing your birth chart very well (do you know all the planets you have in Gemini - Sagittarius? how about the degree number?),
Knowing how to look up + interpret the influence of other transiting planets during the eclipse (what other planets are interacting with your chart right now? what kind of influence might they have on your unfolding eclipse story…?), and…
Knowing your personal Eclipse Cycles. 💫
If you know (like, utterly) that you had one, you can use Eclipse moments to get back on track—however that looks. Depends on your chart, the Signs of the Eclipse, and other transits happening, because those describe other major awareness that might factor in.
Also, any super-conscious action you take.
Because… free will, hopefully? 🤷🏻♀️
Basically, knowing your Eclipse Cycles and their astrology might help you articulate the ineffable—an unfollowed calling or dilapidated relationship—so that you might reframe the woe, guilt, and suck, and start moving forward. ✊🏻
Also, this is kind of critical > Eclipses are cyclical. 😳
So, whatever you’ve let pass by, whatever you decided was over or not quite ready, it’s coming back atcha.
We can start using Eclipses by revisiting the passages of our lives coinciding with Eclipse dates. If you’re someone who diaries, vlogs, records music, or in any way documents their life, you’ll have an advantage. 👍🏻
Start hauling out your diaries and agendas from those years, it’s time for a life reappraisal! 🤩✨
for me, in particular, i became urgently concerned with eclipse lore after seeing a metallic blue flash in a barista’s eyes, starting as tiny pricks of light and swelling into blue-silver orbs. ⚡️
(Email me right fucking now if this has happened to you, ever 😳😱)
When I try parsing out the days leading up to this flash, it’s like describing what I forgot to notice while hurtling up a freeway onramp—it’s this thundering stream of details I wasn’t tuning into, just accelerating until I was going the velocity.
And if you asked me, “How did you get here?” I’d say, “I took the freeway.”
But it’s all these details that… when I reflect back on when they were happening, as I was entering the freeway, those details might actually have been hyper-crazy, or almost carnival-like… 🎠
Because all of these circumstances were extraordinary. This is not one of the baristas I chitchat with. This is the barista that, upon spotting at the register from the street side window, I might keep walking further down the street… to hit up Sbux. 🤷🏻♀️
Why? > Because this fucker uses every conversation ventured as an opportunity to grandstand—most often, TO MY AND MY THEN-HUSBAND’S PERPLEXITY, to judge our life choices, which we never even volunteered as topics of conversation. 😡
SAMPLE > “Hey guys, welcome in. Out enjoying the day as a family?” “Sure are!” “How old is this little guy, again?” “Five years old!” “Wow, that’s great to hear. Must be hard getting anything done for yourself, right?”
Well. Ya, I guess—anything not related to the life cycle….?
….idk, what am I supposed to say? 🤨
ANOTHER EXAMPLE (in response to me walking in with my baby in the stroller + five year old in tow) > “(after a long pause, no greeting) Hey, look—this is cute ‘n all, but I’m not buying it, alright?” “Haha, okay? We make it look cute, but it’s not for sale…” “I know, I just mean—I see your rig (the stroller), I see you doin’ it, and I think it’s great, but it’s not for me.” “Okay. Haha. That makes sense, because it’s our’s, haha. Ya, we sure are cute… thx guys, have a good one!” 💃🏻(Haha = my codependent laughter.)
Just.. what??
Do you get why I’d just keep rollin’?
ANYWAY, between May-June (when the Eclipses struck) > I launched an Internet-based business while simultaneously divorcing my husband, requiring me to stay out of the house, so I was spending hella time at the neighborhood cafe around, dressed like a homeless pervert (“Spice Girl Unabomber” = my 2021 style direction ✨), and pretty much melting all of the collagen out of my body with espresso and premium chocolate.
Basically, leaning hard into my codependency patterns. 👍🏻
and during the eclipses when i was haunting the cafe, the barista caught me eyeing his forearm tattoos >
…dousing gasoline on his flaming-toxic-ego, and permanently rendering me into a horny-housewife joke for the amusement of his baby barista-harem.
(The baby barista-harem = who I am actually very emotionally codependent on, so, ya, lots of issues stirred up here. ☕️)
Scopin’ his tattoos look was not a special occurrence or out-of-the-blue thing > I will draw you a map right now of Gen X-age baristas / weed tenders with forearm tattoos across south San Luis Obispo county (where I live) and days of week / times of day you might chance upon them, because I literally have a circuit of cafes-restaurants-boutiques I patron especially to be serviced by men resembling Art Alexakis (of the band Everclear, here is the “Heroin Girl” video), and in fact this is such a quirky truism about my erotic proclivities that upon our first cafe visit after relocating to our new neighborhood, when exiting our first (awkward) interaction with this barista, my then-husband murmured “That looks like trouble.” 😕
I totally forgot about all this until writing this up > I had not even picked up on the Eclipse barista as one of my targets / prey / types, though I remember searching his face and clothes as we inched forward in the queue, trying to decide if I recognized him or not (not).
(This is actually a hallmark of first encounters with people who later become linked via Vertex activations—I say more in my tutorial on the Vertex a.k.a. Destiny Point next week. ☺️)
ANYWAY > this boring exposition is meant to orient you to the key details that (1) my antipathy with the barista was established, and (2) I glanced at him in a way that made his nuts ache, because he changed his work schedule to coincide with my visits and started dressing like my ex, and Idk if these details are relevant, but they are the details on-ramping us to the actual Eclipse weirdness—
The blue light (which I might now worship) > and I can’t just ask, “Hey dude, did you see a blue light on me a couple of weeks ago? It might be hella occult…” ⚡️
Because the following day, I offered to walk the little dog that lives in his car while the barista is working (it was 87°, yo), but he said no, then YELLED AT ME to not come back to the store. 🔥🔥🔥
But I did—on his days off.
So, he changed them.
Then hid his car in a different parking lot.
What?? Thuh?? Fuck??
Now we are gossiping about it…
With astrology. ✨✨✨
anyway, how eclipses work >
Eclipses happen in “seasons,” starting in a Sign and its opposite Sign (like Gemini-Sagittarius ♊️♐️) and lasting two-ish years. They also “live” for about nine years.
So, the 2021 Eclipses in Gemini-Sagittarius ♊️♐️that just occurred also happened 2001-2003, again 2010-2013, and now from 2020-2023. This 2020-2023 window is the timeframe for the current Eclipse Story.
If you can read transit charts (this article explains how to do your own transits) and want to get adept with the Astro.com chart calculator, you can totally cast transit charts for May-June of those years.
SO, every nine years, as the Nodes drift through Gemini-Sagittarius ♊️♐️, you might become reborn to the “big purpose” issues symbolized by any planets or points hanging out in those Signs, especially if the Eclipses happen to land on them.
For me in particular, the Gem-Sag Eclipse ♊️♐️triggered my Chiron ☌ Vertex > These aren’t Nodes or even planets in my chart, but one gimpy asteroid that happens to be leading a very codependent Point of Destiny. (Read more about Chiron over here, and more about the Vertex or Point of Destiny in your chart over here. ✨)
translation > the eclipse-fates tickled my deepest childhood pain, while simultaneously bringing my most secret-dream-destiny to climax. 🐵💦
When I look at those sets of years corresponding with the Gemini-Sagittarius Eclipses ♊️♐️ (2001-3 and 2010-3), I recognize harsh territory—the Elephant Graveyard of my life. ❌
When I hold that up alongside to my current life experience, and I can sense those old chaos-hyenas lurking in the shadows. 👻💀
Eclipses trigger re-awakenings to our ultimate path and purpose—the project concerning our most precious inner spirit and its potential for transcendence. 💞
When it happens, you might fall into a limbo state, reconsidering your habits, priorities, and relationships from the meta-picture, or a “higher” perspective accounting for not just where you struggle, but where you also shine—where you have gifts, talents, and (perhaps secret) ambitions.
Because… we forget. 🤷🏻♀️
Thank god we have each other (and transits) to help us remember. ☺️
First, pull up a copy of your natal chart > This post shows you where/how to get a copy. If you’re a total noob (s’cool if you are), this post shows you how to read it.
Hint > in this article, I might use intermediate-advanced astrology terms in this article not covered in those posts, but I link to a bunch of articles at the bottom to guide you through the whole story on all the lingo I’m throwin’ around, for you to work through at your own pace. ✌🏻
Next, look to the House(s) the Eclipse falls in your natal chart > Find Gemini ♊️- Sagittarius ♐️on your chart, then look to the numbers between the spokes (a.k.a. the Houses / angles).
Also inventory those Houses for your Nodes, planets, or other points. Did the Eclipse graze anything? You can tell by looking for the exact degree of the Eclipse > the June 10, 2021 Eclipse was at 19° Gemini. ♊️💫
Just look to the Gemini quadrant in your chart to see if anything was in the line of fire, and if so, double-check the degree number of it.
What happens if the Eclipse touched one of my objects? 😳Like—what gets “activated”?? > Miracles. Epiphanies. News from out-of-the-blue. Turning points, new circumstances in general.
What was triggered, along with the rest of the chart, tells you everything > the object (planet, asteroid, orbital point) describes the concern, the Sign describes the type of experience, the House suggests the arena it’ll unfold in, and aspects to the activated objects all describe the “meaning” behind the Eclipse. ✨✨✨
With Eclipses, because they activate both halves of the chart (there’s a North and South Node), the themes between Houses are blended, so that you learn through an uncomfortably paradoxical real-time experience the internal and external halves of a karmic issue, and their thoroughfare through your whole life.
In the above example image, the Node (fate) is transiting my Vertex-Chiron (destiny-wound) in Gemini (understanding) in the Eighth House (power), while Chiron (wound) also transits my personal Node (fate) in my Fifth (self-fruition), while natal Saturn (structure) and Uranus (individuality) are chillin’ in the Second House (value) opposite my destiny-wound (out of frame).
(Astrology is basically like Mad Libs. 💁🏻♀️)
Astrologers and Internet witches available via Google can help you flesh it out, and the dates I popped in near the bottom (provided by CafeAstrology) can help you think back to Eclipses of yore, to help you build a narrative to describe and analyze your own sleeping or forgotten life purpose.
By now, you might be feeling a little hot and tingling in your ears, perhaps making hyper-synaptic connections between weird thoughts, feelings, and events from May-June. 🤯
IF YOU ARE—like… I know, right??
It’s crazy!
Just crazy!! 🤪
reading for the eclipse in the signs gemini-sagittarius ♊️♐️ >
🌟 Gemini ♊️is a mutable (“changeable”) Air Sign (think iridescence versus a breeze), native to the Third House of Kindred, Perception, and Self-Understanding. Gemini exalts the neighborhood, your childhood buds, cousins, and early caregivers and educators, all of which collude to help you integrate into the world. Gemini is ruled by magician-psychopomp Mercury who knows what he’s working with, what you’re workin’ with, as well as the lay of the land, and is willing to collaborate and befriend to make up for what’s missing.
🌟 Sagittarius ♐️ is a changeable Fire Sign (think rainbow light versus wildfire), native to the Ninth House of Philosophy, Truth, and Going the Distance. Sagittarius loves far-seeking, far-reaching, far-flung places, the higher road, the path that gets you where you’re going while making you into who you are meant to be, thus revering mentors and higher education. Sag is ruled by jolly Jupiter, the social magnate, the Santa Claus of the solar system, who would rather target for positions of influence, and have everything he might need within easy reach.
Check out this article for more of a description of the Gemini-Sagittarius axis specific to the Eclipse.
Remember, the Signs tell you the theme behind the Eclipse, and how it might express itself, whereas the Houses that Gem-Sag line up with indicate where you’ll be working out these themes.
if you’re like me, and gemini-sag falls on between the second-eighth houses >
In general, the Second-Eighth Houses blend themes between Value-Resource, Cash-Debt, Cultivating-Multiplying, Masturbation-Sex, Pleasure-Pregnancy. 💫
“If this eclipse stimulates your 2nd-8th house axis, you will be called upon to strike a balance between your own needs for security and comfort and the same needs of other people, likely those of a significant other. If 19-20 degrees Gemini is in the second house, personal finances will come into strong focus. How well have you taken care of your finances? More importantly, have you taken charge of your personal sense of security? If 19-20 degrees Gemini is in the eighth house, issues of sexuality and spirituality may be a stronger focus. In either case, issues of shared resources, sexuality, and possessions are featured. With this eclipse, it’s time to start fresh with regards to how you go about satisfying your needs for security and comfort.If 19-20 degrees Gemini is in the second house, take charge of your life by taking the necessary steps to make yourself feel good and secure. You are called upon to make a stand and to tend to your comfort levels. If you do so, the positive effects will ricochet back into your intimate life. If you continue to tend to your partner’s comfort levels while ignoring your own, feelings of resentment and neglect can infect your relationships. Get in touch with what feels most comfortable for you, and the intimacy level in your relationship will step up a notch. If 19-20 degrees Gemini is in the eighth house, you are learning about the comfort levels of others. Essentially, you are learning to share and to surrender yourself (in a balanced manner!) to intimacy.”
Is all this TMI? Or you just can’t make heads or tails of it? > This section references where/what the Eclipse activated in my own chart, and might not pertain to you at all.
The only way to know is to pull up your chart, look for Gemini and Sagittarius, and then Google about the Houses (a.k.a. the “area of life”) they express themselves in. 💫
To kick you off, visit this article (where I extracted the above summary), and scroll to your Eclipse Houses (for me, the Second-Eighth).
Here’s the lay of the land as the Node of Fate crossed Chiron-Vertex in my Eighth House > divorce, estate-planning, intimacy dramas, codependency issues. (Trés Eighth House, btw.)
Intrinsic is also a Second House concern > reclaiming sense of personal value after a long, strange trip threading through my Saturn Return, and integrating a new chapter into a bad-intimacy saga stretching all the back into preschool. 😔
All colliding with my obsession to pursue and write about the occult. 💀💕
And perhaps thrown into the mix a Gemini-forward cafe employee realizing their own erratic boundary issues. 🤨
So, if you’re also having an Eclipse moment, take every little astro-hint as a context clue, and hold it up to the look and feel of your life right now.
And also diary the shit out of it. ✍🏻
ALONG WITH YOUR REFLECTIONS OF THE MOST RECENT ECLIPSE > start looking into your deeper past and future Eclipses! You can use the calculator and process I’m about to guide you through to craft a narrative tracing the whole of your personal Eclipse Cycles—wherever the Node of Fate tripped your chart, and sent you careening into destiny with renewed purpose!
Good to know for planning extraordinarily synchronicity!
And also for “walking the cat back” on new and just-ending Eclipse stories, such as I.
Also select the span of years you’re interested in seeing eclipses. You can select going backwards or forwards (in 5 year increments). Include the city you’re currently (or will be) residing in.
Also select the types of aspects you’re interested in—”conjunctions”, “oppositions”, and “squares” from eclipses to your chart will interest you most. 👍🏻
Scroll below the chart to see the actual calendar dates, the signs of the eclipses, the houses + points of your chart they’re “doomed” to strike, and a link to see to the chart of the day!
What to do with the information? >>>> First, note the Eclipses happening in Houses with objects such as your Nodes, planets, and other points. Notice the column that actually gives you a heads-up of what the Eclipses are aspecting!
If you’re astro-nerdy, click “transit chart” on the far right to see a more complete picture of what’s goin’ down during that Eclipse activation. 🪐
OR, you can idle in the astrologers’ forums for a few days discerning the in-depth metaphors for each Eclipse, House, and astrological point it contacts in your chart. ✨
For what purpose? >>>> Re-exploring the secret territory of your hopes, dreams, fantasies, and most cherished goals. What future dates might you target for? What do the metaphors and similes in the astrology signal to you?
Note: you can actually change the dates shown for the Eclipses as well, going deeper or further in time. 🐇🌀
Once you unpack the present transit (where/how this Eclipse just hit you), and where Eclipses will hit you in the future, remember to review past Eclipse transits. Knowing can help us become crystal-clear on our hidden cycles, all those sneaky patterns that might have thrown us off our true grind.
AS YOU READ ABOUT PAST ECLIPSE DATES > What was up? What was the haps? Who were the key players, what was the scene, the location, the mood, the hopes, pains, and promises du jour?
Where do you store your memories, dreams, goals, and frustrations? Even if it’s in your iCloud photo albums, your Twitter and Instagram, your secret slam poetry scribbled onto loose pieces of waterlogged stationery you couldn’t bear to trash, as long as you have a repository of observed reality to reference, it feels less insane trying to comb through the remembered details (because you don’t really know what you’re just conferring spooky-vibes onto).
Remember that the June 10, 2021 Eclipse I’ve been talking about is one of several in a set, running from June 2020 to December 2021. 🗓
Every Eclipse “set” lasts about two years, and is called an Eclipse Story, and leads into the next seven years, or rest of the Eclipse Cycle. 💫
Want more intel (and dates)? Get the full scoop at Cafe Astrology. 🤙🏻
gemini-sagittarius eclipse dates 2021 >
Wednesday, May 26 >.Total Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius
Thursday, June 10 > Annular Solar Eclipse in Gemini
Friday, November 19 > Partial Lunar Eclipse in Taurus
Saturday, December 4 > Total Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius
gemini-sagittarius eclipse sets (recent, upcoming, current) >
June 2029 to June 2031
June 2020 to December 2021
December 2010 to May 2013
December 2001 to November 2003
December 1991 to May 1994
June 1982 to November 1984
This is the fifth eclipse in a series falling along the gemini-sagittarius axis ♊️♐️💫, and here are those dates >
Penumbral LUNAR Eclipse June 5th, 2020 at 15:12:15 at 15° Sagittarius 34′
Penumbral LUNAR Eclipse November 30th, 2020 at 4:29:32 at 8° Gemini 38′
Total SOLAR Eclipse December 14th, 2020 at 11:16:26 at 23° Sagittarius 08′
Total LUNAR Eclipse May 26th, 2021 at 7:13:43 at 5° Sagittarius 26′
Annular SOLAR Eclipse June 10th, 2021 at 6:52:29 at 19° Gemini 47′
Total SOLAR Eclipse December 4th, 2021 at 2:42:51 at 12° Sagittarius 22′
some other astro-specifics to focus your personal eclipse appraisal >>>>
These are some notes on the June 10, 2021 Solar Eclipse from Cafe Astrology, mentioning astro specifics, for your special consideration. ✨
🌗“The Solar Eclipse occurs close to the inferior conjunction of the Sun and Mercury, which marks the middle of the Mercury retrograde cycle. We’re looking back before moving forward. It’s also square Neptune, pointing to some unclear thinking and certain things left up in the air. We can be wrestling with perceptions and expectations. It’s hard to see our path, but our discomfort with the past can be very real now, motivating new beginnings.”
🌗“The last time we had a set of Gemini-Sagittarius Eclipses was December 2010 to May 2013” > what were you up to? How much of it rhymes with your life these days?
🌗“Even more relevant is the set of Gemini-Sagittarius Eclipses from December 2001 to November 2003 because the North Node was in Gemini then, as it is now.”
🌗“This phase of the Moon occurs at 19 degrees and 47 minutes of Gemini, affecting people with personal planets and points at approximately 15 to 25 degrees of the Mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces) most significantly.”
When an Eclipse impacts a chart, it’s called an Eclipse Story. An Eclipse Story unfolds within and lasts about two years, coinciding with the Eclipse series that started it. You could say the two-year Eclipse Story stages the next 7-year karmic passage until the next set Eclipse set.
So… like, it doesn’t stop. 😵💫
But it does evolve!
this eclipse set started june 5, 2020 with the sagittarius lunar eclipse ♐️, and will close out this year on december 4th with the sagittarius solar eclipse ♐️.
Circa June 2020 (last year), in my world, I was initiating a divorce.
Basically, from the man I had met nine years ago, at the start of my last Eclipse Story. 🙊
For me, the flash in the barista’s eyes kickstarted research into a magical realm of occult understanding that is the morphic field of how I think, feel, and feel into the world.
First of all, I recognize > a “relationship project” is not in order.
But the strange experience might link us both to more integrated versions of ourselves.
More intel is needed.
Are you also having an Eclipse moment? >>>> Remember, if your Nodes land in Gemini-Sagittarius ♊️♐️, this is your story. ✨
Scroll back up and take note of all the dates involved in the Gemini-Sagittarius Cycle (reaching back to 2011), then give yourself time and space to think about it. All of it.
Also, maybe revisit your archived playlists and albums from 2011. (For me: lots of Kanye, Katy Perry, and DeadMau5. That explains a lot. 🤔)
Also consider and celebrate > you’ve breeched a new chapter!
Welcome to integrating the shocking new awareness that your deepest intimacy issues are tied to destined-healing crises with your erratic neighbors!
And by 2023, everything will be different. 🤢🤩
But what has the eclipse triggered, exactly? >
…An existential plot twist ✨
Speaking only for myself, the Eclipse triggered crystalline new awareness about hidden psychological patterns in my life—
…like noticing a brand new spiderweb glinting in a sunrise…
…and now deciding whether or not to dust it away. 💫
“Here is another way to think about the way eclipses work: Imagine that a puzzle piece fell out of the sky into your hands. This new piece offers information, and when added to the overall picture of your puzzle will change the complexion of the situation and bring you a flash of insight. You may say, ‘For the first time, I understand!’ Now you have a full picture of the situation and can make a fuller, more realistic appraisal of what it means to you. You will also know what you must do next. This is the experience of an eclipse!”
Here’s what I’ll admit > some of the Eclipse lore I’ve found might pertain to the barista, who may have had a Node triggered by the Eclipse, and I am currently stalking the issue with synastry (astrology chart comparison), based on (potentially wrong) birth data gathered via eavesdropping and past awkward getting-to-know-and-dislike-you conversations. 💫
I’m presuming his Nodes were grazed, while the Node of Fate and wandering Chiron simultaneously triggered a healing passage in my own chart, perhaps linking us through astrological transits.
Per much of the astrological lore (via LOLcats / Internet witches), the Eclipse activating my Eighth House would trigger deep psych work, particularly in the area of mine, your’s, our’s.
The little dog is definitely not my issue—that’s his weirdness.
But, like—this makes me feel ookey asking (so it’s probably true) > was his reaction also indicative of some raging codependency issues? 🤔
We’ll just have to wait to see how that checks out, once we’ve integrated the shock and prowled the astrology forums a few days longer. ✨
I’m literally sick to my stomach about it, but happily obsessed, thank you for joining me. 💕
In the meantime, I’m soothing myself with deep research into Chiron-Vertex-Eclipse activations while avoiding eye contact with salty Gen X baristas who might be trying to apologize for telling me to stop coming into the shop by making extremely creamy-delicious foam, and that’s really what this is about > the amount of money I’m spending on foam-sugar-stimulants instead of hustling for copywriting gigs. 🤭
So, my Eclipse Story is about my bad-intimacy saga, codependency issues, as well as financial and psychological shadow work.
Welcome to me. 💁🏻♀️🦋
If you are also having an Eclipse moment, you can totally relax. 💖
FIRST OF ALL, you have stumbled into this weird portal with its very idiosyncratic, but reassuring secondary references, so… miracles happening. 👐🏻✨
Second, I’m in the Eclipse portal with you. I’m affirming this weird thing. This weird thing is life. 🌀
Maybe this is also what movies like The Matrix and Cloud Atlas are actually about, and we’re currently living into the plots of stories not-yet-penned.
Maybe our Eclipse Stories will become new archetypal story lines in the Age of “Aquarius” cultural reboot? 🤔🤩
Just keep your eyes peeled. Count omens. Revisit playlists and diaries of yore.
Document everything.
i also pulled a card from my threads of fate oracle deck, this is what came up >
“The Observer indicates a time where you being encouraged to suspend judgment or conclusions and simply witness. Humans are always trying to sort their external world - we want to process it, make sense of it, and figure out our place within it. It is our way of trying to feel secure and comfortable within our environment. However, this can also reach extremes where we are automatically forming opinions without gathering enough information.The Observer asks you to pause and simply pay attention. This may feel passive, but in observing we are already cultivating change.”
— Threads of Fate Oracle Deck (Rose Gold Edition, mm’hmm ☺️)
This felt like an extra spooky omen, because of this quote I found connected to Vertex points…
“The point of all Vertex contacts is to reveal ourselves from a perspective that is higher and deeper than ordinary conscious awareness. In a way, the Vertex is beyond the Nodes, which are all about the development of consciousness. The Vertex unveils the ‘Watcher,’ in us. The one who knows. The one who is beyond the conscious Self.”
(( **Runs screaming from the room** 😱))
Here’s the 2021 Eclipse Calculator > plug in your birth data (time, date, location you were born) and see! Note: definitely save a copy of the chart as well as a link back to the page—it’s gonna take some time reading through. 🗓
Want an Eclipse horoscope for your Sign? > What to expect with the Gemini-Sagittarius Eclipses, plus a full run down on each one. Here’s another from Dark Star to compare and contrast. 👌🏻
Or, if you want to guess, here’s a table of the 2021 Solar and Lunar Eclipses. Compare the column with the Signs + degree numbers to the Signs + degrees in your chart. (For nerds, click “view chart” to see the transit chart for that day!)
LEARN MORE ABOUT THE 2021 LUNAR ECLIPSES, plus a summary of the Eclipse in your Houses. Also, for further reference > learn about eclipse transits on your natal chart.
What New Moons and Eclipses mean as they travel through your Houses. This is basically how you start creating personalized lunar horoscopes!
An astrologer’s insider tips + advice for coping with Eclipses! If you’re DIY’ing your own transit chart from the Eclipse dates, that post has the inside scoop on what to look for.
From Mystic > How Eclipses Affect Your Relationships, and also, Eclipse rituals that work.
Looking up Eclipses for historic family events or on behalf of your aunties? Eclipse dates from 1994-2030.
This Mystic Medusa blog post explains the nerdy-cool facts of Eclipse Cycles, a.k.a. Saros Cycles, and I think I understand it. 👍🏻
For varsity astrology students > this write-up about eclipse families, spanning millennia, and their historical coincidences! I love the part about Prince William being born on an eclipse cycle 🙀> “To have Prince William involved in this series implies quite strongly that he is going to change the face of the monarchy or walk away from it, as his great uncle did. What lends further weight to this unfolding drama is that this Series started in the same period of history as the British monarchy itself. The first recognised King of England who could truly claim that title was the Anglo Saxon Ecgberht and he came to power in 802 ce. The series ends in 2036 with the heir containing this eclipse in his natal chart. I will leave it to you to draw your own conclusions.”
Still have questions or confusions about eclipses? >
Check out my (way more recent) post: A User's Guide to 2022 - 2023 Taurus - Scorpio Eclipses 🌻🌙💫…
…which also features a very cool printable worksheet for helping you decipher your own magi-radical eclipse moments with astrology! 🤩
IN FACT, you can even score that wonderful worksheet
right here, right now…
…by subscribing to my email newsletter, super handy if you want announcements about future astrology tutorials (+ other nonsense)!
and if you’re still at a loss about your astro-magical eclipse moment… 😫
Drop me an email, and I’ll help out as best I can! ✌🏻
(Heads up, tho: I will not reply in a timely manner, and when I finally do, it might be very cryptic, but that’s only to draw you in closer, so that I might pre-abandon you before you seduce and abandon me, intimacy issues unfolding before your eyes... 👐🏻✨)
And if you also had an ecstatic-astrological moment of any kind…
Email me about your story immediately, in whatever form (text, audio, song, vlog) makes sense.
