How to Find and Use Your Progressed Moon in Astrology 🌙⏰
OKAY SO, last time, we learned about progressions. 👐🏻✨
Although the technique of progressing your natal chart is kind of weird (adding one day to your birthdate for every year you’ve had a birthday 🤔), your progressions symbolize your evolving soul. 🌀
Or basically, where and how your soul has developed since you were born. If your natal chart shows your ultimate source and potential, progressions show how your natal chart is developing. As time scootches them into new zodiac signs and houses, your progressed planets take on new flavors (signs), concentrate down into new areas (houses), and switch up their interactions with other planets (aspects).
Your progressed planets don’t reveal themselves through external events (the way transiting planets do), but instead influence how you feel about those events…
…most importantly, how you might respond to circumstances and situations in your life.
OKAY SO, last time, we learned about progressions. 👐🏻✨
Although the technique of progressing your natal chart is kind of weird (adding one day to your birthdate for every year you’ve had a birthday 🤔), your progressions symbolize your evolving soul. 🌀
Or basically, where and how your soul has developed since you were born. If your natal chart shows your ultimate source and potential, progressions show how your natal chart is developing. As time scootches them into new zodiac signs and houses, your progressed planets take on new flavors (signs), concentrate down into new areas (houses), and switch up their interactions with other planets (aspects).
Your progressed planets don’t reveal themselves through external events (the way transiting planets do), but instead influence how you feel about those events…
…most importantly, how you might respond to circumstances and situations in your life.
but out of all your progressed planets, the progressed moon yields the most insight… 🌙
Astrologers use the Progressed Moon as a context clue, for insight into how you might be coping with your current transits, where you might retreat during introspective moments, and for hints about the timing of big opportunities and relationship changes.
“The progressed moon represents the cycle of our emotional evolution. We will always have our baseline emotional needs as part of our emotional makeup which is represented by our natal moon’s location in our chart.
Yet, we experience and express those emotional needs in ever-evolving, ever more mature ways as we grow older and, through trial and error, find better and better ways of getting our emotional needs met but still within the context of what our natal moon will always need.”
— Llewellyn, “A Deeper Look at the Progressed Moon and Saturn Cycles” 🌙🪐
In general, the Moon in your natal chart symbolizes your most subjective, personal inner wants and needs, a.k.a. your core vitals.
Your Progressed Moon in particular points to where + how your needs and preferences are evolving. Your Progressed Moon illuminates where in your intuition and somatic awareness is concentrated, whether you’re craving comfort, adventure, a new rhythm, or foundation-setting. Your Progressed Moon also dictates what sort of energy you’re unconsciously attracting into your life.
Essentially, your Progressed Moon tells astrologers whether you’re feelin’ it… whatever it is.
Also, the Progressed Moon is considered the official "trigger agent" in our charts. The Moon is the fastest moving planet in the sky, in our transits, as well as in our progressions. Your Progressed Moon spends about 2.5 years in each sign and house, and about 2 months aspecting other natal or progressed planets…
…as opposed to, for example, your Progressed Sun 🌻, which takes about 30 years to cross through a sign (and / or house), and can spend a whole year conjuncting another planet. 😳
Obviously, both the Progressed Sun and Moon are major trigger agents, but the Moon is the one who determines where and what in your chart is deep-felt and resonant. Your Progressed Sun might be a motivating factor in much of the unwritten story of your life, but the Progressed Moon determines the tone, mood, and feeling of that story.
Thus, the Progressed Moon writes the subtext, characterizes your intuitive hunches, and guides your gut-level feelings about the people and events in your life.
in this post, i’ll show you where + how to find out about your progressed moon 🌙, with instructions for accessing all your lunation charts (…there’s more than just one 😳), as well as link you to articles to help you interpret it by sign, house, and phase, via google and internet witches… 💫✨
…and also low-key demonstrate how to turn your research into an astrologically-lucid lifestyle guide to last you two and a half years (or basically, until your Progressed Moon moves into a new sign and / or house). 🌙✨
You’ll learn where and how to get charts showing your Progressed Moon, how to go about interpreting what you see in the charts (Google ✨), and then using that information to contextualize your current transits.
Remember, Progressions must always be compared to your natal chart. We’re basically reading for your Progressed Moon placement, and then comparing how that one placement influences the whole of your natal chart.
Because… your Progressed Moon is the trigger-man, the mostly-secret planet activating different features in your personal horoscope in confluence with your current transits... 😳😱
…and we need to understand its condition in order to understand its true motives, and why we might be responding (or not) to our circumstances.
HINT > You might want to review my previous post about Secondary Progressions ✨, just to familiarize yourself with “the rules” of progressing a chart, and to orient yourself to this pretend fifth-dimensional perspective on your secret inner-life. ⏰🌟
ALSO, AFTER WE SNAG AND LEARN TO DELINEATE YOUR PROGRESSED MOON 📝 > I’ll unpack what’s going on with my own Progressed Moon (in Aries ♈️ and my Sixth House ♍️), which will get kind of gnarled up in my own random observations, but might also hopefully help you see where and how you can apply the cool insight to your own weird life. 💗
AND MAAAYBE… the details about your Progressed Moon will inspire you to a find a therapist, break up with a creep, get your credit report, or generally make a choice that minds your Moon better than when you’re just auto-piloting your life according to your whims and janky rationale (or just going off what Oprah tells you to do 🙋🏻♀️).
OKAY, let’s find that intel! 🔎✨
The Moon progresses (“moves” 😋) about 12° per year, or 1° per month, and takes about 2 1/2 years to progress through a sign / house. Your Progressed Moon’s sign indicates the theme, the house indicates the field of perception, and her phase suggests the tempo of your inner life.
As the Moon progresses within 1° of another planet (natal, progressed, or transiting ✨), that planet's energy tints your subjective time and inner mood for about one - two months, until the Moon progresses over and away from that planet. ✅
When the Moon progresses towards or upon an angle (natal or progressed ✨), it often coincides with internal shifts, equivalent to major “I’ve changed my mind” moments that might not have correlating external events at fault.
FOR EXAMPLE, when the Moon progresses over your Ascendant (the “starting line” of your chart, on the left-hand side, cusping your First House of Identity, Appearance, and Persona ✨), it might feel like a total turnaround, a re-orientation, or attitude shift…
When the Moon progresses over your Midheaven (the “zenith” of your chart, the top-most angle, cusping your Tenth House of Status, Reputation, and Highest Potential ✨), you might feel ready for a change of course, for re-training your focus and reaching towards for something new…
…but if asked, you might not be able to pinpoint what exactly caused the change of perspective or ambition, it just felt like the cumulation of lots of quiet reflection. 🤔🤷🏻♀️
When your Progressed Moon approaches and conjuncts a planet, angle, or other special point, there’s a quickening, an alchemical reaction happening on an unconscious, somatic level. You might notice more tricksters or warriors or super-pretty girls on the scene (mercury, mars, venus). You’re not necessarily learning anything from this archetype (that’s more related to transits 💫), but the archetype is bringing awareness to your mood and inner-balance.
Basically, the people you’re drawing towards you are mirroring a sub-persona, and bringing an energy your inner-Moon wants to internalize… beckoning these archetypes to you as the Moon tugs at the ocean tides… 🌕🌊
in terms of timing, looking up your progressed moon helps you understand the onset, duration, and offsetting of sudden feelings, whether enthusiasm for a project or opportunity, or affection for a new character who’s just appeared…
…and if you experience a sudden inner departure (a waning crush, lessoning enthusiasm, loss in momentum), your Moon might be progressing away from those planets it’s been canoodling with for the past couple months, or venturing towards a different planet.
In other words, conjunctions made by the Progressed Moon can feel like slow-detonating crises or awakenings, without any specific person or event to blame the feeling on. 😬😖😓
Your Progressed Moon might explain the hunger-pains in your gut during a hard-won job interview, the heavy-heartedness felt while on a much-anticipated date, or unexpected defensiveness in a discussion about vacay destinations.
You might think, OMG, this must be totally wrong for me, what am I doing, why do I feel like this…? 😬😓
But that random-seeming gut-rumble or sudden antipathy doesn’t mean what’s happening is wrong. It more indicates the direction the current in flowing. You showed up to the interview, date, or conversation expecting a certain outcome…
…but that’s not where your Moon is at. 🤷🏻♀️
studying your progressed moon might help you attune to her evolving state, and help you understand where compulsion or resistance might be coming from.
Basically, the Progressed Moon can help guide your introspection about those surreal moments, and (through time, attention, and practice ✨) can help you calibrate your inner “set-point.”
ESSENTIALLY, your Progressed Moon helps you recognize the voice of your intuition, and anticipate that your intuition is changing on an almost monthly basis, depending on what else is going down in your sundry charts. 🌟
AND USUALLY, if you already know where you’re at on your major astrology cycles (this post outlines the major transits we all go through ✅🌟), checking up on your Progressed Moon will help you plug back into your core vitals, and reset course.
OKAY SO, there are actually two different Astro-Seek calculators you can use to get the full picture on your Progressed Moon.
I’mma show you how to look up and use both…
…then give you the step-by-steps for getting all the charts you need to read and start researching your Progressed Moon. ✅😊
🌟 First, we’re going to look up the Moon on the Astro-Seek Progressed Moon Calculator. ✨ From the dropdown menu labelled “Ingresses/Lunation cycle/Conjunctions”, you can select to know…
When your Moon will progress into a new sign
When your Moon will progress into a new house
When your Moon will progress into a new sign and a new house
When she’ll change phase 🌓🌕🌗, OR…
When she’ll conjunct an angle or planet (🥵)
Basically, you won’t get all the details you want about your Progressed Moon on the same page results. You’ll have to toggle between-amongst all the choices in the dropdown menu for a holistic picture about when, where, and how your Moon is progressing through your chart. ✅
EVEN THEN, for the full scoop, we’ll need to visit a different calculator…
🌟 After that, we’re going to look up the Moon on the Astro-Seek Progressed Lunation 8 Lunar Phases Calculator. ✨ This is pretty much the same calculator I just linked you to, but with “8-fold Lunation Cycle (moon only)” already selected from the dropdown menu. This calculator displays the date, links to transit charts, annnd a visual map of where on your natal chart your Progressed Moon will switch phases.
Because… Moon phases matter. 😳
Moon phases determine the impact of the conditions of your Progressed Moon. Being full in a sign or house would heighten those themes and experiences, whereas being new in a sign or house would feel quiet, less obvious to intuit.
And that’s why your Progressed Moon phases need their own chart and interpretation. ✅
Don’t worry, I’ll explain more below, and show you how to make meaning (+ apply) all the intel from the signs, houses, aspects, and phases of your Progressed Moon… 👌🏻
BUT FIRST, let me show you how to actually procure the charts!
Go to the Astro-Seek Progressed Moon calculator, and type in your birth data
Next, from the dropdown menu (labelled ‘Progressed Planet’—there are options ✨), select the Moon 🌙
After that (more options ✨), you can choose to know when your Moon will enter…
A new zodiac sign, OR…
A new house, OR…
A new sign and new house (what I selected ✨), OR…
When your Prog’d Moon will conjunct other planets or angles ✅✅✅
Next, select the year you want to start from (I’ve been selecting 2020, because… maj’ year for everybody, amirite?)
After that, choose the house system (I didn’t adjust this… Placidus ftw ✊🏻)
Et voilá—on the next page, you get a list of dates for every change of sign / house your Progressed Moon makes! 🌙✨
To see the actual chart, click the orange hyperlink to the far right, labelled “chart”
On the page displaying the chart, you can toggle to compare your birth and progressed chart, or just look at your progressions alone, or even just refer to an aspects table, it’s literally everything right at your fingertips, EVERYTHING IS BECOMING WONDERFUL! ✨✨✨
HINT 1 > Find or create space to collate and compare your research about your Progressed Moon. You might want to integrate it with your journal, diary, or planner-system to compare what the Internet astrologers believe your Progressed Moon says about your concerns, pangs, urges, intuitions, and dream-life.
You can basically take a screenshot of or download the chart, but I suggest writing it out in your little astrology grimoire ✨, or typing it into a spreadsheet that also stores all your upcoming transits alongside seasonal and administrative calendars (or however you organize your life). 💫
(Want tips and a free spreadsheet template for organizing your transits? Visit my post about learning to read your transit charts. ☺️💫)
HINT 2 > If you click a chart, and notice that your Moon will soon progress over an angle or natal planet, reverse back to the input page, and select “Conjunctions with all Natal Planets and Angles” from the dropdown menu. This will produce a different list of dates and links to charts showing when the Progressed Moon will pass over that planet or angle specifically. ✅👍🏻
HINT 3 > Want to see the phase of your Moon’s progress? I’ll unpack the meaning and use of your Progressed Moon Phase below ✨, but if you’re curious to find out, revisit the data input page, and select “8-Fold Lunation Cycle” from the dropdown menu. You’ll see a totally different list and visuals, but basically displaying where / when your Progressed Moon will wax and wane along your chart.
When your Moon progresses into a new sign or house
When your Moon progresses upon a planet (natal or also progressing ✨)
When your Moon progresses over one of your angles (Ascendant-Descendent, Midheaven-Nadir)
When your Progressed Moon changes phases ✨
In the next section, I’ll explain how to figure out each of these elements in your Progressed Moon placement. ✨
OKAY, so… now that we know where + how to get the charts, we’ll focus on interpreting them.
This is where delineating your Progressed Moon can get unwieldy and complex (especially the way eye do it 😌).
I’m going to basically guide you step-by-step through reading the actual charts, and you’ll probably flip back ‘n forth between a couple-few of them. You’ll need to pull on all your astro-knowledge about signs and aspects, as well.
DON’T FREAK OUT THO, because this might be the only time you really do this kind of intensive research on your Progressed Moon. Once you know the lay of the land, and how to combine the various elements (sign, house, aspects, phases, and dates, oh my 😵💫), you’ll be able to look up your’s or anyone else’s Progressed Moon and know what’s up at-a-glance.
I’ll also link to other astrologers and Internet witches to help you make meaning out of your current Progressed Moon placement, and then share a few of my own observations about the micro-changes in my own life correlating with my Progressed Moon, to give you an idea of how it “functions” in your psyche, and how you might use its rad insight! 🤩🥰
If you’re using the Astro-Seek Progressed Moon calculator, you’ll be presented with a list of dates showing when your Moon will progress into new signs, or houses.
You can see that my Moon “ingressed” into Aries in March 2020. When you see the Moon (or any planet) at 0° of any sign, it indicates that planet as juuust squeaked into the sign.
By March 2021, a whole year after my Moon progressed into Aries, I felt that somatic-fever refocus itself on my rhythm and routines (I share all my crib notes about this transition below).
What I immediately recall about that time (…aside from… y’know, the pandemic 😳), was feeling angry-hot all the time, as though I’d entered a tunnel of wildfire. I remember waking up hawt and achey every night around 11PM, snarled up in sweaty bedsheets, feeling as though all the collagen was melting out of my joints, and soaking into the Tempurpedic mattress.
And then I’d stay awake until sunrise taking personality quizzes on my phone and texting my friends Lady Gaga lyrics and Donnie Darko memes… 🔥
“When our Progressed Moon enters a new sign – we take on a ‘new skin’ or go through a new phase.
Each skin we are in is very similar to the traits of each of the 12 signs of the zodiac. After a 24 year period, we’ll have made it through each of the signs – gaining experiences from each ‘skin’ we were in. ”
— Crystal B. Astrology, “Finding Your Progressed Moon: What Skin Are You In?”
REMEMBER, the Moon progresses about 1° per month, and spends about 2 1/2 years in a sign and house. The sign of your Progressed Moon describes the tenor or tempo of your inner life for those 2.5 years, while the house describes the matters and environment you will feel most concerned with, or fixated on. Your Moon might progress into a sign before entering a new house, or vice versa, like my Moon progressing into Aries a whole year earlier than progressing into a new house (the sixth).
“The house position of the progressed moon indicates, among other things, that we are becoming aware of that area of our life and that field of experience. We will be attracted to it unconsciously. The mind will not stop thinking about it. We will have to pay close attention to that area of experience during the time that the progressed moon is there: about two and half years, more or less.”
— Dane Rudhyar, “The Astrology of Transformation, ch. 8 Progressions and Transits”
You’ll have to peek at the actual charts (one showing when the Moon progresses into a new sign, the other showing when she progresses into a new house ✨) to see the difference (just click the orange hyperlinks on the right-hand side ✅).
WANT TO SEE YOUR MOON MOON ON THE ACTUAL CHART? > Click the orange hyperlink labelled “chart.” Your natal Moon will be blue and on the inside of the wheel, while your progressions will be orange and on the outside.
HINT > Backtrack to the data entry page and select either “Into 12 Zodiac Signs” and “Into Natal Houses”, or toggle between the two, to see the full scope. 👍🏻
BECAUSE I LOVE YOU + WANT YOU TO SUCCEED AT ASTROLOGY 🙌🏻 💕 > I’m going to copy ‘n paste a radically-good description of the Progressed Moon through the Houses here, supplied by Dane Rudhyar in his book The Astrology of Transformation, which you can read the entirety of by following that link (enjoy ☺️).
There’s links to more resources to help you get dialed in on the “skin” and “turf” your Moon is progressing through below. ✨
“In the first house (♈️), a person tends to experience the results of being-an-individual; in the second (♉️), that of having to use and manage resources or possessions — and, more deeply still, the experience of ‘potency’ or lack of potency in any field.
As the progressed Moon passes through the third house (♊️), a person would do well to focus his or her attention on problems dealing with the family environment, the neighborhood or matters concerning a learning situation — and as the progressed Moon crosses the I. C. into the fourth house (♋️), the focus should shift to defining one’s personal space, whether in a physical or psychospiritual sense. This includes matters concerning one’s place in one’s home and/or country, and one’s relation to the parent who most deeply affects the roots of one’s feeling nature.
The fifth house (♌️) refers to experiences resulting from desiring to be or seeing oneself multiplied in a biological or psychological progeny; the sixth house (♍️) to the realization that it is necessary, willingly or not, to fit into some kind of sociocultural or interpersonal pattern of development — and often of ‘service’ at whatever level service may be asked of the person.
The seventh house (♎️) is the field of experiences produced by associating with, or merging one’s identity into, the life of another or several partners for an implicit common purpose. In the eighth house (♏️), a person experiences the results of partnership in terms of set patterns of social or ‘occult’ activities; this is the house of business (the result of contractual agreements), and of communal rituals (whether sociocultural or religious), in which a number of people participate.
As the progressed Moon passes through the ninth house (♐️), a person would do well to focus on the opportunities to expand and to fit, more meaningfully or successfully, into either legalistic, intellectual-academic, or religious-cosmic patterns. This should lead to a more significant or valuable type of participation in one’s community or nation — thus to professional or public experiences adding a larger dimension to one’s field of activity; all of which relates to the tenth house (♑️).
In the eleventh house (♒️), this tenth house type of participation will show its results — as various kinds of social and cultural enjoyments and entertainment, or as frustration and experiences of revolt or transformative activity. In the twelfth house (♓️), the results of an entire cycle of experience have to be concentrated upon, accounts should be closed, and a person should prepare to enter a new cycle, perhaps at a higher level of consciousness.”
— Dane Rudhyar, “The Astrology of Transformation, ch. 8 Progressions and Transits”
Go here for descriptions of the Progressed Moon through the Signs, and compare to Dark Pixie Astrology’s descriptions of the Progressed Moon through both the Signs and Houses. ✨
Also, if you’re focusing on the Houses, check out The 12 Houses of the Horoscope: Themes and Issues of Each, and balance it against Bustle’s Ultimate Guide to the Twelve Houses in Astrology. ✌🏻
ALSO also, do you have any intercepted houses, where a couple of the houses on your natal chart engulfs an entire zodiac sign (and its opposite sign)? Read more about that here. ✨
Aspects describe the relationship between planets in a chart, whether the vibes are hostile or amicable.
With progressions, aspects also dictate timing. ⏰
For the Progressed Moon in particular, aspects to other planets can draw certain archetypes towards us, as though our “secret” Moon were craving that quality. We unconsciously attract people and situations representing that planet and its energy.
TO HONE IN ON ASPECTS > Select which chart you want to peek at, whether it’s when your Moon progressed into a new sign or into a new house, and click the orange hyperlink on the same line (scroll up for an image of where you’re clicking).
When the chart is displayed, click the tab furthest to the right labelled, “Aspect tables.” You’ll see a graph comparing each progressed planet’s aspect(s) to each of your natal planets.
Your progressions (orange, top) will be compared to your natal planets (blue, left-hand side). Those black, emphasized boxes indicate exact aspects. Exact aspects matter most. This means that your Moon is within 1 - 2° of another planet.
HINT > You’ll need to be familiar with the annotation for the aspects (for example, ☌ = “conjunction”). This article shows you how to interpret aspects, plus how to recognize the symbols you’re seeing in the Aspect Table. ✅
IN GENERAL, trines and sextiles are considered harmonious or “easy” relationships, while squares and oppositions are considered challenging or “hard”.
IN PARTICULAR, especially with progressions ✨, conjunctions are considered both harmonious and challenging. Conjunctions are where you really feel and attune to what’s connecting with your Moon, because the Moon internalizes the energies and environment it connects with.
“Harmonious aspects of the progressed Moon indicate periods when one feels natural or comfortable in the areas of life affected. Challenging aspects indicate periods of time when we feel that our natural responses do not bring us what we want in the affected areas.”
— CafeAstrology, “Progressed Moon’s Aspects”
Basically, whatever our Progressed Moon is in contact with becomes a deep-felt experience. Our progressions feel palpable, but in a vague, interior way, as though we’re tonguing a cavity, or digging our toes in the sand.
Like—even without knowing your Moon has progressed upon another planet, the intuitive-feeling is similar to coming home to your apartment, and sensing as soon as you’ve opened the door that your roommate has a guest in her bedroom… 🧐💡
when your progressed moon conjuncts a planet or angle, you’re essentially looking at one or two months window of time 🌙✨ >
One month as the Moon progresses towards the planet (coming within an “exact aspect” or 0-1° orb)…
And one month as Moon progresses away from the planet.
REMEMBER, our Moon progresses 1° per month, meaning that the aspect formed with another planet is fleeting. Not as fleeting as when a swift, transiting planet comes upon our Moon (such as the Sun, Venus, Mercury, or transiting Moon, all of which only last a few days), but more fleeting than a long-term transit (such as Jupiter, Saturn, or one of the Outer Planets). 💫
WHAT ARE “ORBS”, THO? 🤔 > “Orbs” represent the distance between planets (and asteroids, math points, etc.). Astrologers might consider 5-7° orbs between planets on a natal chart, but only 1-2° orbs for progressions, otherwise you’re factoring in influences that might be hella dayz away from registering or having an impact. 🤷🏻♀️
SO, if you’re casting a chart and notice your Moon has progressed within a 4° orb of your Venus, you’re still about three months away from feelin’ it (but werk it anyway).
Sometimes archetypes of the planets in aspect to our Progressed Moon show up as actual people, but in my (limited) experience, they don’t stick around. They might deliver a message (Mercury) or mirror our inner conflict (Mars), but it’s slippery, almost dream-like. 🦄
SO, if you see your Progressed Moon forming an exact aspect to one of your other planets (natal or progressed), that planet is part of your world…
And mostly in a surreal way that won’t be easy to translate to your friends, family, and fans.
also note if any transiting planets are in the same sign, and same degree°, of your progressed moon. 🌙✨
Transits impact our lives as events. Unless it involves a transiting planet, that experience described in our secondary progressions might not have any kind of correlating event or impact.
Like—the contact that happens between our Progressed Moon and other progressed planets might be totally subconscious, private, something we tune into during meditation, introspection, creative flow, or during our nighttime dreams. ☁️✨
How might we feel about the aspect? Depends on its nature. Sextiles and trines might feel inspiring or coaxing, while squares and oppositions feel more agitating. We might interpret squares to our Progressed Moon as a type of inflammation, or scratchiness somewhere in our somatic awareness.
Document real-life events (whether in your true-life experience or via news headlines) that you can revisit and review later on, after your Moon has progressed away (or the transiting planet has moved on).
HINT > Planet Watcher will show you what’s goin’ down right now, while this Astro-Seek calculator will show you a chart combining your natal, progressions, and current transits! 🤩
SO, is your Progressed Moon aspecting any of your natal planets?
Which planets?
What kind of aspects? …are they exact?
REMEMBER… prioritize exact conjunctions (0 - 1°) to your Progression Moon, and if you notice another planet in the mix, pay close attention to archetypes related to that planet that might show up on the scene, as well as any current transiting planets that might be moving across that conjunction in your progressions, and note real-life events. ✅
This Astro Library database links you to summaries for aspects amongst all your progressions, which you can compare to this introduction astrology aspects on the Cosmo blog, as well as to this overview on CafeAstrology. 🌟
And go here to learn more about aspects between your Progressed Moon and natal planets. 🌙🪐
OKAY, now we’re switching over to the Astro-Seek Progressed Lunation 8 Lunar Phases Calculator. ✨ This is pretty much the same calculator we’ve been using, but with “8-fold Lunation Cycle (moon only)” pre-selected from the dropdown menu. This calculator displays the date, links to transit charts, and a visual map of where your natal chart your Progressed Moon will switch phases. ✅
Your Progressed Moon phase basically describes how dilated your inner eye might be (whether ample or tight) for 2-3 year increments of your life. A crescent phase (when the Moon is a sliver) feels quieter, emptied out, while a last quarter phase (when the moon is about halfway between full and new) feels like dissolution, as though losing effervescence, or dialing down.
Your Progressed Moon goes through about 8 phases, lasting about three years in each phase. Each phase unfolds within a quadrant of your chart, with each quadrant encompassing about 3 signs and houses. It takes about 30 years to experience all 8 Lunar Phases, as the Moon progresses ahead, around, and behind the Sun.
Thus, each phase then sort of frames the illumination and exchange between the Sun and Moon in your progressed chart.
Or basically, the phase of your Progressed Moon illustrates the manifold of your most nonverbal, most subliminal self-awareness.
how to find out your current progressed moon phase 🌓🌕🌗 >
Hit up the the Astro-Seek Progressed Lunation 8 Lunar Phases Calculator, and enter your birth data. (Or just reverse back to the Astro Seek Progressed Moon Calendar input page, and select “8-Fold Lunation Cycle (Moon Only)” from the dropdown menu.)
On the next page, Astro-Seek will display the dates and links to charts of each phase change your Progressed Moon will undergo. 🤩🎉
On the furtherest right-hand side, you’ll notice links to charts that will show the transits that will be current as your Progressed Moon changes phase. Click to see the charts of when your Moon changes phase, and see if it yields clues about what will be going down in your life.
ONCE CALCULATED, take stock. Note the dates, phase, sign, and house where your Progressed Moon will change phases. ✅
Pick a date when your Progressed Moon changed or will change phases, and click to see the chart.
Once you have the chart, what aspects do you spot? Does the Progressed Moon form a “hard” (square or opposition) aspect to another planet? What are the energies of those planets? Are they natal, transiting, or a progression?
(HINT > Click on the tab labelled “Aspect table” to see the annotation instead of trying to discern the aspects from the cross-crossing lines. at the center of the chart. ✅)
What are the themes of the planets aspecting your Progressed Moon? Peek at the zodiac signs of your Moon and the planets aspecting her.
BUT WHAT DO THE PHASES MEAN?? > Your Progressed Moon phase tells you how pronounced its conditions might be in your psyche, whether dialed up (full moon) or dialed down (new moon).
there are eight phases in the moon cycle 🌓🌕🌗 >
(JUST FYI > These are copy ‘n pasted from my post The Truth About Your Moon. 😁)
🌑 PROGRESSED NEW MOON, 0 - 45° > Just noticing something out of place, but not recognizing that it’s a clue. Sensing a stranger is about to arrive in town. Pregnant pause. Fresh new whims. Omens everywhere.
🌒 PROGRESSED WAXING CRESCENT, 45 - 90° > Sudden pursuits. White rabbits to chase, flinging yourself down rabbit holes. Gathering momentum, pluck.
🌓 PROGRESSED FIRST QUARTER, 90 - 135° > Showing up, meeting the resistance, learning the stakes. Passivity will be challenged by adversarial viewpoints and thought-provoking circumstances. Keeping the faith.
🌔 PROGRESSED WAXING GIBBOUS, 135 - 180° > Launch mode. Crystallization. Serendipity. Thunder cats GO!
🌕 PROGRESSED FULL MOON, 180 - 225° > Ripening. Fate. It’s all happening. From Steven Forrest: “Depending on our natures, this may happen on a grand scale or a modest one—and much of that depends on the nature of the original vision.” Stuff gets mystical and momentous for the 3-ish years you’re in this phase.
🌖 PROGRESSED WANING GIBBOUS, 225 - 270° > Waning motivation, interest, fervor. Clutter descends. Starting to take its toll. Gifting your final performances to the allies accrued during the hype and visionary ascent. Farming out what you worked like hell to cultivate. Take it, it’s your’s. I remember when… and at this point, you could make use of it than me.
🌗 PROGRESSED LAST QUARTER, 270 - 315° > Tired performance. Release waivers. Tying up loose ends. Johnny Cash playing Nine Inch Nails on an acoustic guitar. Delegating final touches. Last words. Leave it with my apprentice. What does it all mean now? Where will it all end up? Reparations, final handshakes. Sweet sorrow. Clarity.
🌘 PROGRESSED WANING CRESCENT, 316 - 360° > Witnessing. Waiting for inspiration, the miracle. Disintegration, becoming indistinguishable. Watching the world go by. Longer, lingering goodbyes. Delays, waiting games. Total eclipse of the heart. Amen.
Pay attention to when your Moon will be progressing through a NEW or FULL Moon Phase 🌑🌕, denoting important changes along the lines of new beginnings and culminations, as well as the QUARTER Moon phase, as this denotes a quickening (first quarter 🌓) or winding down (last quarter 🌗). Each phase lasts for about three and a half years.
🌟 WHEN THE SUN + MOON ARE CONJUNCT (SIDE-BY-SIDE), IT SIGNIFIES A NEW MOON PHASE > Newer, “dark” Moon phases (0 - 90 degrees) reflect the least about of Sun, offer the least amount of zest, but the stillest environment, heightening our inner awareness, making subtle motion and indicators the most noticeable, and most likely to surface in our consciousness.
🌟 WHEN THE SUN + MOON “OPPOSE” EACH OTHER, OR CAN SEE EACH OTHER IN FULL VIEW ACROSS YOUR CHART, IT SIGNIFIES A FULL MOON PHASE > Waxing and Fuller Moons (180 - 0 degrees) reflect the most and brightest light for inner focus, into nooks and crannies, illuminating possibilities formerly shaded by the nooks and creases of our psyche.
HINT > Enter your birth data into the Astro-Seek Progressed Full + New Moon Calculator to see a display, along with a list of dates with links to charts showing when your Progressed Moon will become full or new.
Obviously, it’s a much smaller list, and you can use this calculator if you’re more focused on just finding out the most momentous phase changes. ✅
REMEMBER, phases are determined by the Moon’s relationship with the Sun, and suggests how “powerful” or luminous her position is. The Moon progresses about 12° a year, while the Sun progresses about 1° per year. This is why it’s not a bad idea to peek at what’s up with your Progressed Sun for a wider perspective on the conditions of your Progressed Moon (I link below to some resources to get you started). 🌻🌙
“The phases happen at different times in everyone’s life, depending on what phase the Moon was in when they were born. For example, someone born during a Full Moon will jump right into the Waning half of their cycle, while someone born on a Crescent Moon will begin life with their Moon growing brighter (Waxing). Exactly how each phase plays out depends on what sign and house the Progressed Moon is in. But there is a general theme to each phase, no matter where it occurs in your chart.”
— Sasstrology, “Your Personal Lunar Phases: The Cycle of Your Relationships”
OBVIOUSLY, none of the Moon’s phases (whether progressed or transiting) is better or more useful than the others, but the phase that feels most natural might be closest to your birth moon phase. Think of your birth moon phase as a descriptor of your natural set-point, and that you’ll always be primed to settle in or develop from that particular mood setting.
Compare to your current Progressed Moon phase for clues about where or how you might feel a bit wonky, if not totally on point (which we’re about to do in the next section ✨). Googling about the Moon phases’ affects can help you find questions and activities for calibration.
Go here for full summaries of your current Progressed Moon phase, and then compare to this other article’s summaries for a full picture.
Go here to learn more about the Progressed Sun, and apply to Nic’s insight about interpreting your Progressed Sun.🌻⏰
NOTE > Your Progressed Moon doesn’t replace the core temperament, needs and desires, luminosity, or past-life stuff represented by your natal Moon.
Our secondary progressions do not change our source or potential. ❌
Progressions must always be read in reference to your natal chart. ✅
Your natal Moon is your native temperament, while your Progressed Moon describes your current mood-scape. Even if you’ve evolved far beyond the wants and needs described by your natal Moon, your progressing Moon hasn’t forgotten.
After all, our Moon holds our memory. 💁🏻♀️
NOTE > You’ll want to be familiar with the conditions of your natal Moon: sign, house, aspects, and your birthday moon phase. Go here to learn more about delineating your natal Moon. ✨
how do we compare a progressed moon to a natal moon? 🌙✨ >
Because we’re comparing two different Moons (natal + progressed ✨), we’ll do what Stephen Arroyo advises for basic chart comparison (similar to what we do in synastry ✨): blending the Moons’ elements. 🌿💧🔥🪶
How do we find out the Moons’ elements? By comparing their zodiac signs, as well as the signs that are native to the houses they’re in.
You’ll also want a grasp of the elements and modes of the zodiac signs… not every sign, but the ones that are in the mix right now. I link to some articles below, but if you need a refresher, start here. ✨
We also want to account for the element and mode of the sign that is native to the house our Moon is progressing through. For that, you’ll want to reference the natural horoscope, a.k.a. “god’s” natal chart, showing all the planets in their native signs, and the houses where those signs belong. This article has more intel about the natural horoscope. ✨
THIS IS THE NATURAL HOROSCOPE > You basically just align Aries on the First House, Taurus on the Second House, Gemini on the Third House, etc… ♈️♉️♊️
No matter the zodiac signs lined up against them (whether in a natal, transit, or progressed chart ✨), these houses naturally and energetically align with their native signs. ✅
First consider the element and mode of your Progressed Moon sign
Next, consider the element and mode of the sign that is native to your Progressed Moon house
For me, my progressed Moon is in Aries would be cardinal fire 🔥 (a.k.a. the element + mode of Aries ♈️), combined with mutable earth 🌿, a.k.a. the element + mode of Virgo (sixth house of the natural horoscope ♍️).
AND THEN, compare that to your NATAL Moon….
First consider he element and mode of your Natal Moon sign
Next, consider the element and mode of your Natal Moon house (according to the natural horoscope)
For me, my natal Moon is in Capricorn (☌ Neptune) in my Third House (kindred, interconnection, primary understanding). ♑️(♊️)
My natal Moon is cardinal earth ⛰ (a.k.a. the element + mode of Capricorn ♑️), combined with mutable air 🪶, a.k.a. the element + mode of Gemini (third house of the natural horoscope ♊️).
FOR ME, my Progressed Moon is in Aries (cardinal fire 🔥) and my Sixth House, native to Virgo (mutable earth 🌿). Moons progressing through Aries can expect a burning off, while Moons progressing through Virgo can expect a calibration of the systems governing minutiae.
Basically, no matter the house, Aries brings the theme of identity, and no matter the sign, the Sixth House governs how we self-regulate.
WITH ARIES ON MY SIXTH HOUSE ♈️💕, this will be an identity detox, concerned about refining who I am in the overall functioning of my life.
Compared to my natal Moon, Aries ♈️ has set flame (aries = cardinal air 🔥) to my rocky-soiled emotional core (natal moon in capricorn ♑️🪨)…
…spotlighting and purging temperamental weaknesses incoherent with my Best Life (a.k.a. sixth house territory). ♍️🪨🔥
OBVIOUSLY, you might want to review the elements + modes of the zodiac signs, and apply a bit of analytical intuition to feel out how each sign interrelates with the others. Here’s The Cut’s “How to Understand Every Zodiac Sign by Element”, to compare with Astro Style’s version of the same, and also Well + Good’s write up.
IF IT GETS TOO COMPLICATED 😣, ditch this, and ask Google. 💁🏻♀️
In fact, in the next section, I’ll present how I’ve collated articles from Google to understand mental, emotional, and functional pivots in my life coinciding with my Progressed Moon’s changing signs and houses.
Again, go here to learn more about delineating your natal Moon ✨, including how to interpret its sign, house, and aspects to your other planets. Even if she’s no longer aspecting those planets (or the nature of those aspects have changed), you’ll have insight into how your Moon defaults to those old patterns and dynamics despite her current progress.
For more examples of blending the elements and modes of planets-in-their-signs for comparison, revisit my (amateur) tutorial on synastry, where I compare the elements and modes between a random barista’s and mine’s Moons. 😊✨
HINT > Your Moon progresses back to her natal placement every 27ish years, basically revisiting (many) of her original conditions, unless faster-moving planets in close aspect have progressed away.
Under “More Resources” below, I have links to articles about your Progressed Lunar Returns, and subscribe to my newsletter to find out when my tutorial on the subject goes live! 🤩
Also, because it plays such a vital role in your Progressed Moon, here’s the link again to find and learn more about your birth Moon phase 🌙🎈
OKAY SO, totally coincidental (I didn’t know about progressions yet ✨), but around the time my Moon progressed into into Aries (March 2020*), I quit Netflix.
(*Kind of funny, because that’s when the COVID lockdown hit, so while everyone was perfecting their #NetflixandChill, I was, like, Kevin Spacey in American Beauty trading in his sedan and pumping iron in his garage… 🤔🕊).
And when my Moon shifted into my Sixth House (March 2021), I quit my marriage.
There were actual true-life events prompting those decisions (🤐), but something had definitely shifted, like a Jenga tower (made of woe and delusion) finally collapsing.
And I was just… so… sick… of…
…coping. 🤢😒
Or rather, sick of relying on short-term palliatives to feel better about long-enduring dissatisfaction.
I felt like I was coming out of anesthesia (my moon leaving Pisces and entering Aries… ♓️♈️).
My Moon progressing into Aries may articulate my super unconscious mood shift, but not the outer events that were also happening in my life, which are better articulated by how transiting planets were impacting my chart.
My Sun, Jupiter, annnd North Node are in Aries. While my Moon progressed over my North Node, transiting Saturn was simultaneously scooting back and forth over my Nadir, the bottom-most angle of my natal chart. I got some surprise news that lit-er-all-lee pulled the rug out from under me (😓), while transiting Chiron (“soul wound”, “soul teacher”) came conjunct my North Node, and opposite my South Node, which is in Libra (“harmony”, “partnership”).
BASICALLY, all these little “astro moments” happened to coincide with pivotal mood-shifts, staging a couple major, recent turning points in my life. 👍🏻
REMEMBER, though it represents your ultimate source and potential, your natal chart isn't doing anything. Your natal chart is like your genome, housing all of our species’ genetic potential, refined and calibrated by your parents’ specific sexual alchemy…
…but… like… it’s not doing much at the moment… 🤔🤷🏻♀️
Your natal chart is just kind of storing everything…
…until triggered. 😳🎯
Since I started hardcore tracking transits (circa June 10th, 2021 🌗✨), I’ve found that each event that has happened in my life can be traced back to an interplanetary gyration.
Since learning about my Progressed Moon specifically, I’ve been able to trace the arc of my moods, almost like tracking period symptoms over time. 🩸
Transits, especially correlating with our life cycles (Saturn transits, Nodal Returns, Progressed Lunar Returns, et. al….) definitely seem to coincide with external “triggers” or events that can force us to make decisions (such as Saturn transiting my Nadir and receiving that jarring email… 😓)…
…but our Progressed Moon, seems to be the trigger agent, the element in the astrological system that can make bad news seep in and become real…
…as in, flipping a switch, creating the thoughts and feelings that precede a pivotal decision.
Transits and progressions are basically epigenetics. 💁🏻♀️
We are only… manipulating it. 👐🏻✨
Erstwhile, based on where my Moon is progressing (Aries, my Sixth House ♈️🌿), my mood and fixations have centered on a “lifestyle colonic”, clearing out the mucus and dross and plaque, erstwhile external events and people and other transit-coincidental “trigger moments” continue to present new twists, creases, and revelatory unpacking moments.
some other “random” stuff that coincided with my moon progressing into aries / my sixth house 🌙♈️♍️ >
I started going to CODA, a.k.a. “Codependents Anonymous” (start here: "Patterns and Characteristics of Codependents"), and honing in on steps #5 and #10 ("admitting to wrongs" and “continue taking personal inventory”, see the rest ✨).
WHAT EXACTLY IS “CODEPENDENCY”? > Being a codependent is like being a child in an adult’s body. If you were abused or manipulated as a child, you’ll seek and repeat those same dynamics with other adults.
And here’s the thing. YOU, the codependent, will still be responsible for that car payment, that cancelled job, that ruined marriage, those kids, and your own reputation.
Annnd… you will still feel ashamed, lonely, and angry…
…as well as powerless over the circumstances of your life.
You feel crappy and powerless, and thus… seek another, more confident, more majestic person to serve and harmonize with, hoping that by enabling them, they’ll return the favor, and help parent you through your tragic foibles.
Codependency is undergirded by an inability to regulate your own moods and emotions. You feel angry and embarrassed about your debt, so you jump into Tinder, or start DM’ing your exes over IG. You feel burned out and scared, so you’re hitting up Rite Aid for that “better priced” Ben & Jerry’s and curling up with a 90s TV series you’ve already streamed.
Basically, being codependent is feeling incapable of having any useful or healthful impact on your life conditions, and validation-seeking in the form of parental-like affection and comfort.
WHAT IS IT LIKE BEING CODEPENDENT ON TOXIC LOVE? 🤔 > “It’s like eating ice cream when you’re thirsty. It can feel good for a time, but ultimately this approach leaves us wanting. In codependency, you feel your life force draining, and you stay anyway, because ‘you love him.’” 🙋🏻♀️😓
If you had told me ten years ago that I was a codependent and sabotaging opportunities and other relationships in order to elevate the significance I felt about a toxic relationship I was in, I would have shoved you out of the car and left you standing on the side of the road. 🚙💨
With a group like CODA, I’m realizing that my insecurities, bad habits, and gross inter-personal relationships are not special, but symptomatic of a deeper issue, something fetid and gnarled up in the living tissue of my psyche…
…and that literally nobody can protect me from it, because it’s inside me. 😱
So, CODA has been rad (👍🏻), especially in combination with the two other therapeutic endeavors I’m about to roll out….
By a twist of fate (😉) I started receiving totally free bio tuning sessions with my Lunar-Jupiterian friend Moira… 🌙🕊
(…beginning, coincidentally, on a Friday when transiting Chiron was exact-conjunct my North Node and exact-conjunct Moira's Midheaven… 😳🤯🤩)
WHAT THA’ HECK IS “BIO TUNING”? 🤔 > "Biofield tuning is an energy therapy that uses sound to bring balance to all dimensions of your health. Using specific tones generated through tuning forks, this therapy clears congestion and stress in your energy field, also known as your biofield. Your biofield is the energetic blueprint of the physical, mental and emotional aspects of your health. It envelopes you and is embedded within every cell and particle of your body."
SO BASICALLY…. it’s magic. ✨ Moira uses the reverberative-sound created from waving tuning forks around my body to identify pain points in my auric field, and then, without any physical contact (mostly), rings chimes and claps together cymbals to soothe and sculpt those areas as though they were play-doh.
After the first session, I cried my eyes out on Moira's bed, then went home and rearranged all the furniture in my house, and didn’t take an edible (Pomegranate-flavored Wyld 1:1s THC: CBD Sativa-Enhanced Hybrid Gummies ☢️) for TWO AND A HALF DAYS… the longest amount of time since I haven’t vaped or eaten edibles since… like… I was pregnant with my daughter (circa 2019 😓).
I also had a weird moment a few hours after the first session where it felt as though I'd dunked my head in kerosene and lit it on fire... it felt like the mercury fillings were melting out of my back molars. 😩😮💨
I’ve been returning to Moira for another session every week and a half while she logs hours (+ bodies) for her certification exam, and although I leave the sessions feeling like that super-charged crystal in Iron Man's chest (💪🏻), they haven't felt as intense as that first one.
If I've piqued your curiosity, check out Eileen Day McKusick’s Electric Body, Electric Health.
Also, shout outs to Adrienne’s Detox and Reset yoga tutorial and 9th Limb Yoga (Morro Bay, CA), as well as Donna Eden’s Energy Medicine for Women for complementing Moira's work. 🙏🏻🌀
This section is about the type of therapy I went into after my divorce. I started cognitive talk therapy with an Enneagram-certified facilitator. I got super lucky that SLO county has one credentialed therapist who uses the system, which I find helpful for helping me name and break down my emotional-defense-system. (Hi, I’m a Self-Preservation Four. 💁🏻♀️)
WHAT IS THE ENNEAGRAM THO? 🤔 > The Enneagram is a personality typing system that describes 9 patterns for interpreting the world and managing emotions. Each personality type lands somewhere on a nine-pointed diagram. For optimum emotional regulation, you’d want to be able to flow from one point to the next. Your Enneagram type reveals where you get stuck on that optimal emotional flow.
I discovered the Enneagram by accident through the Personality Hacker podcast, where I used to go for intel about applying the Meyers-Briggs personality system as a self-help tool. Sometime in 2020, the podcast interviewed Dr. Beatrice Chestnut, who specializes in applying the Enneagram in therapeutic and team-building settings. She explained the hella fucking occult history of the Enneagram, as well as the way that our “emotional defense system” operates as a foil in our personality.
The Enneagram helps me identify this defense system I’m walking around with (…you, too 😉), how that system protects me from re-experiencing a particular kind of emotional pain, and how that system also works against me… in particular, hijacking my intuition regarding what is “safe”, and subverting emotional growth.
Basically, your Enneagram type is an adaptation, a way of coping with emotional turmoil, and the “better” it works, the more difficult it is trying to heal and resolve emotional suffering.
Once wading into talk therapy with the Enneagram (where we use the Enneagram to articulate and dialogue about my triggers and defenses), I discovered this totally rad book combining the Enneagram, Meyers-Briggs, and inner child therapy (not the same as talk therapy), which has a couple badass, self-directed exercises for revisiting (and getting hands on) with old memories where my janky coping skills were adapted.
WHAT IS “INNER CHILD WORK”, THO? 🤔 > Inner child work endeavors to bypass your rational, cognitive, story-telling brain with activities that engage your body and senses…. or basically, the part of you that was most alive during childhood, prior to the development of your personality.
“[C]oping skills that were necessary to survive childhood are brought, fully operational, into adulthood. Dangerous territory to say the least. These coping devices are outmoded and often contradictory to who we want to be. However, after many, many years of living defended it is hard to realize there are alternatives. Even when psychologists and religious figures point out there is a better way, more than likely we are without a clue as to how to access that part of ourselves.” 😒😣🥺
From Three Keys to Self-Understanding: An Innovative and Effective Combination of the Meyers-Briggs Type Indicator Assessment Tool, the Enneagram, and Inner-Child Healing, where the author-therapist, Pay Wyman, describes guiding her patient "Reilley" through a visualization:
“I invited her to close her eyes and go back in her mind to the house in which she was raised. I asked her to imagine entering that house as the adult she is today. By asking her to note sights, colors, smells, textures and other sensory data that would compel her to completely enter the imagery, I anchored her in the experience.
I suggested that she move through the house until she found her inner child, age five, alone in the house that was devoid of furniture and carpeting. I encouraged her to enter into a dialogue with the child. Although she was willing, she found herself having trouble making eye contact with the child and could not touch her. I suggested she leave the child a gift by which to remember her and as a promise that she would be back. Reilley decided to leave the child ‘a jam box’ for ‘tunage’ because she knew the child was lonely and liked music.
We processed this experience, and I encouraged her to allow any feelings that came during imagery to surface because it is through feelings that we can trace the threads back to their origins and disconnect them.”
Did you ever seeThe Cell(1998), where JLo portrays a child psychologist who uses a futuristic hypnotic device to enter the psyche of a comatose serial killer (in order to find out the whereabouts of his last hidden victim), and is sidelined trying to rescue his inner child from the psychopathic monster of his adult-self as he stalks her through his tortured psyche…?
Like—in Wyman’s visualization technique, I was basically JLo (but on an hypnotic jaunt through my own abysmal psyche), and the experience felt so real, it became an actual memory (and my outfit was hella cute 💁🏻♀️), so… HIGHLY RECOMMENDED*.
(*PRO TIP: Have a little hot chocolate and a weighted blanket waiting for you when you come out of it. 👌🏻)
Other recommended reading: The Complete Enneagram by Beatrice Chestnut, but definitely also check out this book combining the Ennea, Meyers-Briggs, and Inner Child work, which I just quoted above, and kinda-sorta reads like a textbook for psych grads, but you can totally use in combination with other types of therapy. 👍🏻
if you’re also having a progressed moon in aries / the sixth house moment, please consider these other articles 💁🏻♀️✨>
THE MOST VIRGO HEADLINE I’VE EVER READ ♍️> "Can You Have It All? Yes. The Secret is in Your Hormones." Pair with “Cycle Syncing with Herbs and Supplements", and also, "How to Biohack Your Orgasm" ☺️✨
CONTINGENT WITH THAT 💫 > Start accounting for your Infradian Rhythm. ✅ "The infradian rhythm is one of your body’s two internal time keepers. (The other timekeeper is the circadian rhythm.) The infradian rhythm influences six different systems of the body: brain, metabolism, immune system, microbiome, the stress response system, and the reproductive system.”
HERE, LET ME RUIN YOUR DAY: WOMEN AND CAFFEINE TOXICITY 😳😫😖 > "Women’s bodies are brilliantly designed to conserve energy (so we are better able to conceive and carry a pregnancy). Our bodies retain fluids longer and we metabolize the compounds contained in foods and beverages much more slowly. Men drink and excrete both alcohol and caffeine faster and more efficiently than women, meaning these substances don’t have as significant an impact on their physiology or lead to caffeine toxicity.”
HAVE YOU HEARD THE GOOD NEWS ABOUT MUSHROOMS? > Just stocked-up on Host Defense mushroom supplements. Also, here’s Rogan’s interview with mycologist / multiverse-crusader Paul Stametz.🍄✨
Virgo-inspired self-care rituals ♍️✨ and for the house ♍️ ✨
SIXTH HOUSE READING LIST 📖 > Nadine Artemis, Holistic Dental Care + Renegade Beauty, and canvassing Dr. Kelly Brogan's recommended home-health-body resource page ✨
FYI, THE SIXTH HOUSE IS ALSO THE DOMAIN OF DOMESTIC PETS 🐹> Just fresh-stocked my purse and SUV with those fancy treats (with the wolf in the picture on the bag, hay now ✨), and perving extra hard on the dog walkers in my neighborhood. ALSO, did you know pigs are delighted to eat your compost items?! I’m basically a Hocus Pocus witch, but coming for your pets. 🪄
We might experience three Progressed Lunar Returns in our lifetime, at ages 27, 55, and 83 (…ish).
At age 27, we have our first Progressed Lunar Return, where the Moon has progressed through our entire chart, canvassed all 12 signs and houses, conjuncted every planet, angle, and point, and now has a full-circle, full-bodied feeling-perspective on our needs, desires, and patterns.
As Steven Forrest puts it in The Book of the Moon, by your first Progressed Lunar Return, you are optimized for “dreaming up” a future for yourself, just in time for Saturn to begin its return (ages 27-30). You will no longer be able to abide daydreaming, but instead crave some true life, real-world correlation. You’re ready to start feeling at home in your own skin, and building a life to accommodate your true needs and wants (as best you understand them at this point). 🌙🪐
By age 55, we have our second Progressed Lunar Return, where we are faced with becoming an elder, and less concerned with dreaming or materializing, and more concerned with consolidation and, ultimately, dissemination. We become natural mentors. Steven Forrest recalls his own private epiphany during his second Progressed Lunar Return as a preoccupation with “the fine art of becoming a happy ghost.”
Though the other transiting planets at the time of our Progressed Lunar Returns will always be different, the themes of each return are pretty much the same, based on the phases, signs, and houses your Moon has “returned to.”
Or basically, every Progressed Lunar Return, you “come home to” the condition of your natal Moon. 👐🏻✨
Because they detonate major coming of age moments, I have a post specifically about Progressed Lunar Returns, and tips for managing the true-life drama that might coincide, as well as consolidating all the experiences of your Lunar Progressions.
Subscribe to find out when it goes live. 😁
NEED MORE PERSPECTIVE ON ALL THE REST OF YOUR PROGRESSIONS? ⏰ > Check out my tutorial on delineating your progressed chart ✨, and compare to this other tutorial on what you need to know (you’re becoming an expert! 🤩)
MORE REFERENCES FOR GETTING THE FULL PICTURE ON YOUR PROGRESSED MOON ✅ > What you need to know about your Progressed Sun🌻, and what each of the Progressed planets represents (Mercury, Venus, Mars…) Plus, this article lists all major aspects between Progressed and Natal Planets to help you delineate all the factors involved. Nic also says more about interpreting Progressed Suns and Rising Signs in this post, and finally, Your Guide to Interpreting Astrological Aspects. 🌟
NEW MOON, FIRST QUARTER MOON, FULL MOON, ALL DA’ MOONS 🌖💫 > How to interpret the phases of your Progressed Lunation Cycle ✨ Robert Blaschke (via Leah Whitehorse in that article I just linked you to), recommends looking up the Sabian Symbols at the start of every progressed Moon phase > “[H]e suggests paying particular attention to the Sabians of the New, Full and Quarter Moons and I have found this to be valid. Bear in mind that the Sabian of the progressed New Moon will say something of the entire cycle for the next 29 or so years until the next Progressed New Moon.” Learn more about Sabian Symbols here ✨, and calculate the Sabian symbol for your changing Progressed Moon phase ova here (scroll down and click “Sabian Symbols of progressions chart). ✌🏻
WHAT ABOUT TIMING RELATIONSHIPS WITH THE PROGRESSED MOON? > In terms of meeting someone new 💕, astrologer Alice Bell explains in this article all the transits that have to be in place (Jupiter, Saturn ✅), and what the Progressed Moon will be aspecting (natal or progressed Venus, natal or progressed Sun ✅) or progressing through (Libra ♎️, and/or the fifth or the seventh houses ✅) plus notes about the role of the Solar Return chart, and even ECLIPSES! (DUDE I HAVE ALL OF THIS HAPPENING RIGHT NOW, WTF!! 😱✅😱✅😱✅ …Don’t the astrology fairies realize that I’m in CODA?? …is this a test?? 😓)
THIS MIGHT BE KIND OF HEADY, BUT WHAT YOU CAN LEARN ABOUT “TIMING RELATIONSHIPS” ALONGSIDE YOUR PROGRESSED MOON AND SATURN TRANSITS? 🌙🪐 > “Speaking of marriage, marriages at this time [Progressed Lunar + Saturn Return 🌙🪐] are not particularly recommended… They can be an indication of a desire to cling to the tribe, rather than individuate, and may be a doomed attempt at filling the gap of emotional insecurity we feel at this time. They may also fulfill, albeit temporarily, the urgings we have to ‘move on.’ I have no statistics, but from my client database I can see clearly that marriages at this time can be short-lived (or perhaps this is only true for people who consult astrologers). The other thing that occurs at this time is divorce, the divorces of those early marriages that may have been substitutes for other kinds of internal development.” (via Dawn Bodrogi the astro queen. 🤤🙏🏻🕊)
ALSO, FOR THE PROGRESSED MOON + SYNASTRY > Check out this astrologers’ forum concerning synastry connections between Progressed Moons, to compare with answers on this forum. Both have spooky-cute examples of synastry connections between parents and offspring! 😍
“HOW DO I KEEP TABS ON MY MOON’S PROGRESS, THO?!” 😳 > Via transit apps (Time Nomad has an “add on” option for progressions 🤩), diary-keeping supplemented with self-care habit trackers (perhaps in your planner-grimoire ✨), and maybe working something out with your local astrologer for keeping you in-the-know about your Moon on-the-go. ☺️🤙🏻
HOW TO PREPARE FOR YOUR PROGRESSED LUNAR RETURNS (ages 27 and 54) > “The progressed lunar return (PLR) can set off explosions in close friendships (especially those with people who remind you of your original mother figure) and partnerships. Heartache is par for the course, though some lucky people have a blast during this period. (It’s okay to hate them a little for it. They’re having so much fun they won’t notice.) How we hold those we love, how we want to be held, how close we actually want to be – all undergo the kind of nausea-inducing scrutiny that can make us fear we must choose between our self-care and the one(s) in whose hearts and familiar skin smells we make our home.”
SO, does your Progressed Moon speak to your emotional fixations du jour?
Did delineating it help you alight on any mysterious ambiance that’s settled in the past few months? Help reframe how and where you’ve felt out of step from the rest of your fam, friends, the world?
Do any of the “ingress” dates correspond with major life events, like throwing dilettante exes out on their asses (after locking yourself in the bathroom to get drunk on leftover birthday wine and stream Disney’s “Brave” on your iPhone)?
Knowing about and being kinda-sorta familiar with your Progressed Moon doesn’t mean you can articulate all of what’s happening 💫, but at least you’ll understand what that tingling awareness means when it comes ripping through your soma.
And perhaps knowing about your Progressed Moon’s current conditions actually does help elevate your perspective on some weird shit that’s been going down in your life, and having that leverage really does help you make the most of the time you have, though you can only grasp at it through intuition.
Anyway, GOOD LUCK WITH YOUR MOON, and feel free to email me if you get stuck and need more hints! 🤗🌙
